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Certification of Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault, Batterers Intervention Programs and Adult Victims of Sex Trafficking

The purpose of certification is to assess a program's responsibility to the client, and delivery of acceptable services to the client. Responsibility to the client is demonstrated through the provision of suitable facilities, trained staff and needed services that are accessible, safe and confidential. In addition to the above is the demonstration of the willingness and ability of the governing authority and staff to provide the planning, budgeting and management of resources necessary to the continued existence and effectiveness of the programs/services.

 An application for certification must be submitted to the Attorney General along with the required documentation and fee. If the application is deemed complete, a site review is scheduled. The program must be in compliance with at least 70% of the applicable standards to receive Conditional or Temporary Certification. A plan of correction is requested to address deficiencies found during the site review. A follow-up site review is scheduled to review implementation of the plan of correction and to ensure cited deficiencies have been corrected or to demonstrate continued correction. Certification is granted when a program has achieved 100% compliance with applicable standards. Programs are certified for a period of three (3) years subject to renewal.

For inquiries or issues please contact the Program Certification Team at or

Administrative Rules and Standards for Certified Programs

Qualifications for certification are compliance with applicable standards and criteria set forth in Chapters 1, 15, 25 and 30 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code Title 75

Current Rules

Chapter 1 - Administrative Standards; Applies to domestic violence and sexual assult, adult human trafficking and batterers intervention programs

Chapter 15 - Standards and Criteria for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs

Chapter 25 - Standard and Criteria for Batterers Intervention Programs 

Chapter 30 - Standards and Criteria for Adult Victims of Human Trafficking Programs 


Family Violence Prevention Services Act Under-served Populations Grant

The purpose of the FVPSA Underserved Populations Grant application is to fund OAG Certified program sub-grantees in the State of Oklahoma who will establish, maintain and/or expand culturally specific programs for victims of family violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and their dependents and to provide specialized services for children exposed to family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence., specifically targeted toward under-served populations and victims who are members of racial and ethnic minority populations. underserved populations. Populations may be underserved due to ethnic,
racial, cultural, sexual orientation, language diversity, or geographic

(1) a local public agency, or a nonprofit private organization (including faith-based and charitable organizations, community-based organizations, tribal organizations, and voluntary associations) that assists victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their dependents, and has a documented history of effective work concerning family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence; or
(2) a partnership of two or more agencies or organizations that includes:
i. an agency or organization described in paragraph (1); and
ii. an agency or organization that has a demonstrated history of serving populations in their communities, including providing culturally appropriate services.

*All non-tribal applicants must be certified by the Office of Attorney General or must have submitted an application for certification prior to July 1st.

Applications will be evaluated by panel of six (6) individuals who have expertise in areas of domestic violence, family violence, program development, and other related fields of experience as chosen by the Chief of the Victim Services Unit. Each recipient of a sub-grant award will receive funding for the period from October 1st through September 30th.

Stop Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Grants

The purpose of the S.T.O.P. (Services-Training-Officers-Prosecutors) Violence Against Women Act Grant Program is to develop and strengthen the criminal justice system's response to violence against women and to support and enhance services for victims. The S.T.O.P. VAWA Grant Program encourages victim service providers, prosecutors, law enforcement, and the courts to implement coordinated multidisciplinary approaches to address domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Assistance Grant

The Crime Victims Assistance Grant Program is a result of the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on October 12, 1984. The Act created the Crime Victims Fund which is financed through fines and assessments on criminals at the federal level. No tax dollars go into the Fund.

VOCA Assistance Grants are dispersed through the Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice and are awarded to each state and several territories based on a specific formula. States are then responsible for subgranting the money to approved applicants in order to help finance their crime victim service programs. Applicants may include non-profit agencies, state and local government agencies, and American Indian Tribes.  The District Attorneys Council is the State Administering Agency (SAA) for the VOCA Grant.

Last Modified on Jan 06, 2025