State Pledge Forms
The following is a list of forms required for financial institutions to execute when pledging securities or collateral instruments to secure State deposits, and instructions for filling them out.
Instruction 1 - Instructions for filling out Pledge Agreement
Instruction 2 - Instructions for pledging Letters of Credit from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka.
Instructions for pledging, releasing & substitution of collateral securities:
a. Instruction 3 - Pledging through the Federal Reserve.
b. Instruction 4 - Pledging through a Safekeeping Bank.- Instruction 5 - Instructions for pledging, releasing and substitution of Surety Bonds through the Kansas Bankers Surety Company.
- OST Form 95-005 - Pledge Agreement for Funds Held on Deposit.
- OST Form 95-006 - Certification of Adoption of [Directors' or Loan Committee's] Resolution.
- OST Form 95-007 - Collateral Securities Pledge Form - State.
- OST Form 95-008 - Certification of Removal and/or Appointment of Duly Authorized Bank Officers.
- OST Form 95-009 - Collateral Instruments Pledge Form - State.