Oklahoma ABLE Commission
Oklahoma ABLE Commission
Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission

It is the desire of the ABLE Commission to be the expert resource regarding alcoholic beverages' history, control, regulation and licensing; charity games regulation and licensing; and tobacco product sales and use compliance.
The mission of the ABLE Commission is to protect the public welfare and interest in the enforcement of the laws pertaining to alcoholic beverages, charity games and youth access to tobacco.
Core Values:
Customer / Business Friendly Service: Each contact with the customer (applicants, licensees, other agencies, the public, staff) will be professional, courteous and friendly providing requested assistance accurately and expeditiously.
Administrative rule revisions moved to the Laws & Rules tab
Public Request for Input: Recommendations for Body-Worn Camera Policy
Your input is vital in shaping a policy that is fair, effective, and reflective of the needs and concerns of the community we serve. Please review the attached Policy Draft and send your thoughts to Chief Law Enforcement Agent Todd Peck at todd.peck@able.ok.gov. The deadline for submitting recommendations is March 31st.
Statement regarding the ABLE Commission's decision in the case of Sooner Fine Wine & Spirits, LLP versus Oklahoma ABLE Commission, RETA-2024-00021 January 17, 2025
Final Agency Order concerning case number RETA-24-00021, Sooner Fine Wine & Spirits, LLP vs Oklahoma ABLE Commission
Total Wine Litigation Director’s Recommendation and Order 7.25.2024
Director's Memorandum and Stay 8.14.2024
Director Clabes has stayed the enforcement of RETA-24-000021. Pursuant to current law and the ruling by the administrative law judge in Case No. RETA-2024-000021, new licenses will not be granted to retail spirits stores and wine and spirits wholesalers applying as limited liability partnerships; however, current retail spirits and wine and spirits wholesaler licensees with this business structure will be allowed to operate and renew their license until a final ruling has been made in Case No. RETA-24-000021 or until the time for appeal has expired
Trade Practices Division & Brand Registration Information can now be found under the MORE tab.
Sustained Progress in Preventing Underage Tobacco Sales: Oklahoma Synar Report 2024 (Final)
Online Licensing
The Missouri Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control has launched a new application that allows retail cashiers to verify authenticity of IDs through their cellphone to help check ID’s for Alcohol and/or Tobacco Purchases.
This application is available for Apple and Android users.
Apple User: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/show-me-id/id1552200807
Android User: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gov.mo.dps.atc