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October 2017 Financial Report Data Tables

Income Tax Comparisons with Prior Year (Month)
SUMMARY October 2017
Variance from Prior Year
  FY-2017Actual FY-2018 Actual
  October 2016 October 2017 $ %
Income - Individual $160,775,736.00   $162,582,450.53   $1,806,714.53 1.1%
Income - Corporate  - 0.00 0.0%
Total $160,775,736.00 $162,582,450.53 $1,806,714.53 1.1%

Details may not sum due to rounding

Income Tax Comparisons with Prior Year (Fiscal Year-to-Date)
  4-Month YEAR-TO-DATE
SUMMARY October 2017
Variance from Prior Year
  FY-2017 Actual FY-2018 Actual
  Through October 2016 Through October 2017 $ %
Income - Individual $640,176,356.25 $659,455,653.40 $19,279,297.15 3.0%
Income - Corporate $40,220,151.29 $48,401,408.26 $8,181,256.97 20.3%
Total $680,396,507.54 $707,857,061.66 $27,460,554.12 4.0%

Details may not sum due to rounding

Income Tax Comparisons with Estimate (Month)
SUMMARY October 2017
Variance from OMES Estimate
  FY-2018 Estimate FY-2018 Actual
  October 2017 October 2017 $ %
Income - Individual $150,557,062.55 $162,582,450.53 $12,025,387.98 8.0%
Income - Corporate $0.00 0%
Total $150,557,062.55 $162,582,450.53 $12,025,387.98 8.0%

Details may not sum due to rounding

Income Tax Comparisons with Estimate (Fiscal Year-to-Date)
  4-Month YEAR-TO-DATE
SUMMARY October 2017
Variance from OMES Estimate
  FY-2018 Estimate FY-2018 Actual
  Through October 2017 Through October 2017 $ %
Income - Individual $614,735,654.75 $659,455,653.40 $44,719,998.65 7.3%
Income - Corporate $31,420,705.82  $48,401,408.26 $16,980,702.44 54.0%
Total $646,156,360.57 $707,857,061.66 $61,700,701.09   9.5%

Details may not sum due to rounding

Gross Production Tax Comparisons with Prior Year (Month)
SUMMARY October 2017
Variance from Prior Year
  FY-2017Actual FY-2018 Actual
  October 2016 October 2017 $ %
GP - Gas $11,315,402.55 $19,459,306.42 $8,143,903.87 72.0%
GP - Oil $1,582,477.00 $3,203,968.34 $1,621,491.34 102.5%
Total $12,897,879.55 $22,663,274.76   $9,765,395.21 75.7%

Details may not sum due to rounding

Gross Production Tax Comparisons with Prior Year (Fiscal Year-to-Date)
  4-Month YEAR-TO-DATE
SUMMARY October 2017
Variance from Prior Year
  FY-2017 Actual FY-2018 Actual
  Through October 2016 Through October 2017 $ %
GP - Gas $33,952,581.32 $71,293,121.78 $37,340,540.46 110.0%
GP - Oil $5,849,646.03 $11,204,244.97 $5,354,598.94 91.5%
Total $39,802,227.35 $82,497,366.75 $42,695,139.40 107.3%

Details may not sum due to rounding

Gross Production Tax Comparisons with Estimate (Month)
SUMMARY October 2017
Variance from OMES Estimate
  FY-2018 Estimate FY-2018 Actual
  October 2017 October 2017 $ %
GP - Gas $24,096,368.00 $19,459,306.42 -$4,637,061.58 -19.2%
GP - Oil $2,217,023.25 $3,203,968.34 $986,945.09 44.5%
Total $26,313,391.25 $22,663,274.76 -$3,650,116.49 -13.9%

Details may not sum due to rounding

Gross Production Tax Comparisons with Estimate (Fiscal Year-to-Date)
  4-Month YEAR-TO-DATE
SUMMARY October 2017
Variance from OMES Estimate
  FY-2018 Estimate FY-2018 Actual
  Through October 2017 Through October 2017 $ %
GP - Gas $73,947,578.00 $71,293,121.78 -$2,654,456.22 -3.6%
GP - Oil $7,707,851.83 $11,204,244.97 $3,496,393.14 45.4%
Total $81,655,429.83 $82,497,366.75 $841,936.92 1.0%

Details may not sum due to rounding 

Chart 1

General Revenue Comparisons with Prior Year (Month)
SUMMARY October 2017
Variance from Prior Year
FY-2017 Actual FY-2018 Actual
October 2016 October 2017 $ %
Net Income Tax $160.8 $162.6 $1.8 1.1%
Gross Production $12.9 $22.7 $9.8 75.7%
Sales Tax $149.2 $175.7 $26.5 17.8%
Motor Vehicle $15.7 $16.7 $1.0 6.3%
Subtotal: Major Taxes $338.6 $377.6 $39.1 11.5%
Other Sources (1) $52.4 $58.7 $6.4 12.1%
TOTAL GEN REVENUE $390.9 $436.4 $45.4 11.6%
Less 1-Time Receipts $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 0.0%
Recurring Rev. (2) $390.9 $436.4 $45.4 11.6%

(1) Other sources revenue estimated pending final accounting

(2) Recurring revenue after subtracting one-time funds
Details may not sum due to rounding


General Revenue Comparisons with Prior Year (Fiscal Year-to-Date)
PRELIMINARY(In $ millions) 4-Month YEAR-TO-DATE
SUMMARY October 2017
Variance from Prior Year
FY-2017 Actual FY-2018 Actual
Through October 2016 Through October 2017 $ %
Net Income Tax $680.4 $707.9 $27.5 4.0%
Gross Production $39.8 $82.5 $42.7 107.3%
Sales Tax $604.6 $693.9 $89.3 14.8%
Motor Vehicle $66.0 $66.4 $0.4 0.7%
Subtotal: Major Taxes $1.390.8 $1,550.7 $159.9 11.5%
Other Sources (1) $238.9 $215.8 -$23.1 -9.7%
TOTAL GEN REVENUE $1,629.7 $1,766.5 $136.8 8.4%
Less 1-Time Receipts $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 0.0%
Recurring Rev. (2) $1,629.7 $1,766.5 $136.8 8.4%

(1) Other sources revenue estimated pending final accounting

(2) Recurring revenue after subtracting one-time funds
Details may not sum due to rounding

Chart 2

General Revenue Comparisons with Estimate (Month)
SUMMARY October 2017
Variance from OMES Estimate
FY-2018 Estimate FY-2018 Actual
October 2017 October 2017 $ %
Net Income Tax $150.6 $162.6 $12.0 8.0%
Gross Production $26.3 $22.7 -$3.7 -13.9%
Sales Tax $168.4 $175.7 $7.3 4.3%
Motor Vehicle $17.1 $16.7 -$0.4 -2.1%
Subtotal: Major Taxes $362.3 $377.6 $15.3 4.2%
Other Sources (1) $71.6 $58.7 -$12.8 -18.0%
TOTAL GEN REVENUE $433.9 $436.4 $2.5 0.6%
Less 1-Time Receipts $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 0.0%
Recurring Rev. (2) $433.9 $436.4 $2.5 0.6%

(1) Other sources revenue estimated pending final accounting

(2) Recurring revenue after subtracting one-time funds
Details may not sum due to rounding


General Revenue Comparisons with Estimate (Fiscal Year-to-Date)
PRELIMINARY(In $ millions) 4-Month YEAR-TO-DATE
SUMMARY October 2017
Variance from OMES Estimate
FY-2018 Estimate FY-2018 Actual
Through October 2017 Through October 2017 $ %
Net Income Tax $646.2 $707.9 $61.7 9.5%
Gross Production $81.7 $82.5 $0.8 1.0%
Sales Tax $678.9 $693.9 $15.0 2.2%
Motor Vehicle $70.7 $66.4 -$4.2 -6.0%
Subtotal: Major Taxes $1,477.4 $1,550.7 $73.3 5.0%
Other Sources (1) $279.1 $215.8 -$63.3 -22.7%
TOTAL GEN REVENUE $1,756.6 $1,766.5 $9.9 0.6%
Less 1-Time Receipts $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 0.0%
Recurring Rev. (2) $1,756.6 $1,766.5 $9.9 0.6%

(1) Other sources revenue estimated pending final accounting

(2) Recurring revenue after subtracting one-time funds
Details may not sum due to rounding

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