Feed the PIG: Providing transparent data to Oklahomans

By Destiny Washington and Christa Helfrey
Technology projects are essential for Oklahoma state agencies’ work. With the rise of telework and virtual collaboration following the COVID-19 pandemic, managing these projects can be challenging with multiple partners, shifting priorities and evolving technologies. Fortunately, the Office of Management and Enterprise Services created a website that increases transparency around state technology projects and gives customers a look into OMES Information Services initiatives and day-to-day performance.
The Performance Improvement Graph, or “the PIG” for short, is a web-based tool that offers needed public visibility for agency technology expenditures, live IS service metrics and the progress of technology-based projects on which agencies partner with Information Services.
This information is updated continuously and is available to anyone who needs it, including agency leaders, project managers, private-sector partners and even the state Legislature.
“The PIG was created in order to provide transparency and be the single-pane-of-glass solution for tracking the metrics and status for OMES IS’ most critical services,” said Jerry Moore, state chief information officer.
By providing a central platform the PIG enables agencies to share information and resources more effectively. This helps ensure transparency into technology rates, services and projects at all times.
Customer Success metrics
OMES IS’ Customer Success team provides world-class customer service for state employees and Oklahomans. They support computers, laptops, phones and software, including ordering and installation, troubleshooting, and lifecycle and mobile device management.
The PIG provides a firsthand look at the OMES Service Desk and its commitment to customers. Current metrics show, on average, Service Desk calls are answered within 13 seconds, and issues are resolved within six minutes and 30 seconds.
Rate packets
Agencies and the state Legislature now have a financial dashboard they can view 24/7 to help make informed decisions about resource allocation and project prioritization.
What used to be a paper process is now all online at the PIG. Customers can select their agency on the drop-down menu to review up-to-date information on agency service agreements, rate methodology and rate details.
EPMO project status metrics
The Enterprise Program Management Office dashboard provides transparent reporting of all IT projects managed by OMES IS. It showcases detailed information for each project, such as overall health, budget and completion status.
This EPMO team is dedicated to supporting agency initiatives, from small technology projects to larger enterprise solutions, with a focus on employee empowerment, data enablement, technology management and digital transformation. Visit the EPMO website to learn more about this team.
Overall, the PIG is an excellent example of how the State of Oklahoma is leveraging technology to deliver more transparency in government and improve project management. By providing visibility into rates and state technology projects, the PIG helps ensure taxpayer dollars are used efficiently and effectively, promoting collaboration that drives innovation and improves government services.
We are always feeding the PIG, so agencies can find the most up-to-date metrics on the services we provide.
Check out our walk-through video of the PIG below.