“What’s your voice order?” is a question employees at the Office of Management and Enterprise Services raise as readily as, “What’s your name?” It is part of GiANT Worldwide’s 5 Voices learning program, a language now shared throughout OMES – from executive leadership to new employees – to foster self-awareness, improve team communication and, ultimately, increase workplace efficiency.
A year after our internal training team first introduced the 5 Voices to OMES, we are excited to debut Finding Your Voice, a limited-series podcast that explores the program’s implementation and continued success at our agency.
Our first guests on the show are OMES Learning and Development team members Sophie Preston, Christina Chicoraske, Tasha Salinas and Zack Parker, who helped deliver the 5 Voices to OMES’ 1,000+ employees. They join hosts Christa Helfrey and Kay Thompson for the first two episodes to discuss the origin of the 5 Voices program, how it came to OMES and what it looks like in action.
Finding Your Voice will include five episodes rolled out from mid-September to the end of the year. Check back to find our latest segments.