OAC 260:120-1-10 - Meetings
- Number of regular meetings. The Committee shall conduct a minimum of six meetings per year, in compliance with the Open Meeting Act. The schedule for regular meetings will be adopted at the last regular meeting of each calendar year.
- Special meetings. Special meetings shall be called by the Committee Chairperson.
- Quorum. A majority of all current members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
- Request for notices of meeting. Upon written request, the Committee Vice-Chairperson shall notify any person, state agency, qualified organization or contractor, at least ten days prior to meeting dates, and shall make available the minutes of all meetings.
Associated Statutes
Purchasing Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act
- Other Procurement-Related Statutes in Title 74
- Information Technology Procurement
- IT Procurement-Related Statutes in Title 62
- Pay for Success Act
- Oklahoma Correctional Industries Procurement-Related Statute
- OMES Procurement-Related Administrative Rules
- Procurement-Related Caselaw
- Procurement-Related Attorney General Opinions
- Procurement Information Memorandums