OAC 260:115-7-25 - Acquisition limitation exception
- A state agency making an acquisition pursuant to 74 O.S. §85.5(T) must have an internal CPO and approved internal purchasing procedures pursuant to the requirements of 260:115-5-3 and 260:115-5-7, in addition to the subject matter experts, legal and procurement staff required by law.
- Prior to making an acquisition pursuant to this section, a state agency shall submit in writing to the OMES Director, a statement of the agency’s intent to make an acquisition pursuant to 74 O.S. §85.5(T). The agency may only proceed with the acquisition upon receipt of certification by the OMES Director that the proposed purchase does not conflict with consolidated statewide spend initiatives.
- Agencies making an acquisition pursuant to this section shall comply with 74 O.S. §85.7, the rules of this Chapter and any other applicable state laws and rules.
- An agency shall submit a report in electronic format to the State Purchasing Director on a quarterly basis, which lists all contracts issued pursuant to this section. The report shall be submitted by the 5th business day of each new quarter.
Associated Statutes
Purchasing Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act
- Other Procurement-Related Statutes in Title 74
- Information Technology Procurement
- IT Procurement-Related Statutes in Title 62
- Pay for Success Act
- Oklahoma Correctional Industries Procurement-Related Statute
- OMES Procurement-Related Administrative Rules
- Procurement-Related Caselaw
- Procurement-Related Attorney General Opinions
- Procurement Information Memorandums