Situation Update
Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management
Situation Update 8
January 29, 2009 – 10:30 a.m.
The Oklahoma Corporation Commission reports 20,937 homes and businesses across the state are without electric service due to the ice storm.
Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives (OAEC) reports 19,844 electric cooperative customers are without power. The largest number of outages continues in Cherokee, Adair and Sequoyah counties. Electric restoration crews report .75 to 1.25 inches of ice accumulation on power lines. The peak outages occurred late Tuesday night when 38,834 electric cooperative customers were without power.
Below is a list of current affected electric cooperatives, the location of their office and the number of power outages.
Cookson Hills Electric (Stigler) - 650
East Central Oklahoma Electric (Okmulgee) - 1,200
Kiamichi Electric Cooperative (Wilburton) - 140
Lake Region Electric Cooperative (Hulbert) - 7,380
Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative (Vinita) - 198
Ozarks Electric Cooperative (Fayetteville, Ark.) - 10,276
OG&E reports 143 outages in Porum and Muskogee.
Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority reports 200 outages in Stilwell and 750 in Tahlequah.