Seminole County: US 270 Replace and Rehab
Project Information and Documents
Letters of Support
Reports and Technical Information
- Seminole AADTS (Excel)
Collision Reports
- NBI 12980 JP21006(11) (PDF)
- NBI 12934 JP21006(11) (PDF)
- NBI 10053 JP21006(04) (PDF)
- NBI 13925 JP21006(07) (PDF)
- NBI 13783 JP21006(11) (PDF)
- NBI 13653 JP21006(07) (PDF)
- NBI 13079 JP21006(04) (PDF)
Funding Sources
- Funding Sources and Uses (Excel)
National Bridge Inventory Reports
- NBI 12934 (2018-01-29) (PDF)
- NBI 10053 (2017-11-30) (PDF)
- NBI 13925 (2018-04-18) (PDF)
- NBI 13783 (2018-01-26) (PDF)
- NBI 13653 (2018-01-26) (PDF)
- NBI 13079 (2017-11-30) (PDF)
- NBI 12980 (2018-01-26) (PDF)
Pavement Condition
UP Railroad Agreement
- UPRR C&M Agreement (PDF)