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National Parent Leadership Month

February is National Parent Leadership Month and the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth (OCCY) is dedicated to recognizing the important role of parents and caregivers in their homes and community.  We join our community partners in recognizing parents as heroes and celebrate the important role that parent voice has in shaping initiatives throughout Oklahoma.

What is Parent Voice?

Parent voice refers to the values, opinions, beliefs, perspectives and cultural backgrounds of parents, guardians and families.  It extends to parent groups, leadership teams, cultural organizations and other entities related by familial connections.

Children’s Trust Fund Alliance

Our partners at Children's Trust Fund Alliance (CTFA) work with parents at the state and community level to generate and create, both individually and collaboratively, many resources that share parent voice. The CTFA believes parent leadership is a critical and an effective way to help families identify and build upon their strengths for themselves and their families.  In addition, parent leadership is a necessary component in every community and can help with building strength based on healthy and empowering ways to respond to the opportunities presented in everyday life.

Last Modified on Jan 13, 2023
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