Practice and Advanced Practice
In 1976, recognition of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist was incorporated into the Oklahoma Nursing Practice Act. In 1980, recognition of the Certified Nurse Practitioner and Certified Nurse Midwife were added. Clinical Nurse Specialists were added to the Oklahoma Nursing Practice Act in 1994.
Changes In Supervising Physician(s) For Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Prescriptive Authority Are Due Within 30 Days of the Change.
Practice Policies, Procedures & Guidelines
- Abandonment Statement
- Continuing Qualifications for Practice for License Renewal Guidelines
- Decision-Making Model for Scope of Nursing Practice Decisions: Determining APRN/RN/LPN Scope of Practice Guidelines
- Delegation of Nursing Functions to Unlicensed Persons
- Employment of Nursing Students or Non-Licensed Graduates Guidelines
- Issuance of Temporary Licenses for APRNs, RNs and LPNs by Endorsement into Oklahoma
- IV Medication Administration by LPN's Guidelines
- Limited Obstetric Ultrasound and Limited Ultrasound in a Reproductive Medicine Setting Examinations Performed by Registered Nurse Guidelines
- Nursing Practice Opinion Requests Procedure
- Opioid Discussion Guidelines for APRNs when Prescribing
- Patient Assessment Guidelines
- Placement of Nasogastric Tubes by RNs in Post Bariatric or Anatomy Altering (Upper GI Tract and Stomach) Surgical Patients Guidelines
- Rapid Sequence Intubation Guidelines
- Registered Nurse Administering, Managing and Monitoring Non-Obstetrical Patients Receiving Analgesia/Anesthesia by Catheter Techniques Guidelines
- Registered Nurse Monitoring Obstetrical Patients Receiving Analgesia/Anesthesia by Catheter Techniques Guidelines
- Wound Debridement by Licensed Nurses Guideline
- Moderate (Conscious) Sedation Guidelines for Registered Nurse Managing and Monitoring Patients
- Monitoring of the Moderate (Conscious) Sedation Patient by Licensed Practical Nurse Guidelines
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Licensure
Prescriptive Authority (APRN-CNP, APRN-CNS, APRN-CNM)
- Exclusionary Formulary
- New Initial Prescriptive Authority APRN-CNP, APRN-CNM, APRN-CNS: Instructions
- Reinstatement of Prescriptive Authority Recognition No Longer Active for APRN-CNP, APRN-CNS, and APRN-CNM
- Agreement for Physician Supervising Advanced Practice Prescriptive Authority
- ALERT! Due Within 30 Days - Change in Supervising Physician(s) for Advanced Practice Prescriptive Authority: Application Instructions
- Formulary Advisory Council Procedure for Amending the Formulary
- Prescriptive Authority Continuing Education Tracking Form
- Request Form for Review of Pharmacology Contact Hours
Prescriptive Authority (APRN-CRNA)
- CRNA Inclusionary Formulary
- Prescriptive Authority APRN-CRNA (Authority to Select, Order, Obtain and Administer Drugs): Application Instructions
- Reinstatement of Prescriptive Authority APRN-CRNA (Authority to Select, Order, Obtain and Administer Drugs): Application Instructions
- Prescriptive Authority Continuing Education Tracking Form
- Request for Review of Pharmacology Contact Hours