Reduce Opioid Overdose
In September 2013, the Oklahoma Prescription Drug Planning Workgroup released a state plan in an effort to reduce opioid-related overdose deaths. The state plan was reviewed and updated in 2016. As a participating member of the workgroup, the Oklahoma Board of Nursing supports the state plan in providing nurses with substance abuse information to help reduce opioid-related deaths in Oklahoma.
Current State Plan:
Reducing Prescription Drug Abuse in Oklahoma
Goal for State Plan:
Reduction in the rate of unintentional overdose deaths involving opioids
Action Areas and Resources:
Community/Public Education:
Provider/Prescriber Education:
Disposal/Storage for the Public:
Disposal/Storage for Providers:
Tracking and Monitoring:
Regulatory/Enforcement - APRN with Prescriptive Authority:
Resource for the Nurse who has a Substance Use Disorder:
Oklahoma Board of Nursing Peer Assistance Program - A voluntary, alternative-to-discipline program for nurses whose competency may be compromised because of abuse of drugs and/or alcohol [59 O.S. § 567.17A].