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Criminal History

Applicants for Licensure or Certification with a Criminal History

In accordance with 59 O.S., § 567.1, et seq., and 4000.1 (2022), the Oklahoma Board of Nursing (Board) has adopted and promulgated administrative rules which establish the criteria utilized by the Board in determining the effect of criminal history on eligibility for nursing licensure or Advanced Unlicensed Assistant (AUA) certification. Individuals with a criminal history may submit an application to Petition for Determination of Elgibility for Licensure or Certification (petition form), and the described fee. The petition form should be submitted, and determination by the Board issued, prior to submission of an application for licensure or certification. 

The submitted petition form must include a complete criminal conviction history. This does not include convictions for crimes committed as a juvenile, or convictions that have been expunged by Order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

The criminal history shall be presented in one of two ways and attached to the petition form: 

  • The petitioner may submit with the petition form, a copy of his or her official criminal history record with a typewritten explanation of each conviction mentioned in the criminal history record; or
  • The petitioner may submit a typewritten statement describing each criminal conviction including the date of each conviction, the court of jurisdiction and the sentence imposed.

The petitioner may also include additional information for consideration, including, but not limited to: 1) information relevant to the nature and seriousness of the offense; 2) the amount of time that has passed since the offense; 3) petitioner's age when the offense was committed; 4) circumstances of the offense, including aggravating or mitigating circumstances of social conditions surrounding the commission of the offense; 5) the nature of the specific duties and responsibilities for which the license is required; and 6) evidence of rehabilitation, including compliance with community supervision, parole, or mandatory supervision; conduct and work activity; programming or treatment undertaken; and testimonials or personal reference statements. 

The Board shall review each petition form and all accompanying materials, and issue its determination, in writing, within ninety (90) days from the date the request was received.

Criminal Convictions that Disqualify Licensees from Retaining Licensure and Applicants from Eligibility for Licensure or Certification

Felonies that disqualify an individual from retaining licensure or becoming licensed as a nurse, or retaining certification or becoming certified as an Advanced Unlicensed Assistant (AUA) in Oklahoma are listed in the Rules of the Oklahoma Board of Nursing OAC Title 485. All crimes listed in subsections (d) and (e) of 485:10-11-4. are as described in Titles 21, 47 and 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes. In addition, the Board recognizes and gives similar treatment to similar offenses charged in other jurisdictions.

See below to access the list of disqualifying crimes.
OAC 485:10-11-4. Licensure or certification of individuals with criminal history

Petition to Request Determination of Eligibility for Licensure or Certification for Individuals with History of Criminal Conviction

Occupational Licensing and Criminal History Reporting

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Last Modified on Jan 02, 2025