Multistate Nurse Licensure Compact
The enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact (eNLC) for RNs and LPNs was effective on July 20, 2017, when the 26th state enacted the eNLC. The eNLC implementation date was set by the Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators (ICNLCA) to occur on January 19, 2018. Upon the implementation date, the Oklahoma Board of Nursing started issuing multistate licenses to applicants/nurses that applied for a multistate license, met the uniform licensure requirements, and declared Oklahoma as their primary state of residence. Those who do not want/need a multistate license, or do not meet the uniform licensure requirements, may apply for or continue to retain a single-state license.
RNs and LPNs with an NLC multistate license are able to practice nursing in other NLC states, without having to obtain additional licenses.

Announcement: New NLC Rule
Starting Jan 2, 2024, a new NLC rule became effective. Nurses relocating to another compact state now have 60 days from the time they move to apply for a new license by endorsement in a new primary state of residence.
The new rule (effective beginning January 2, 2024) reads:
402(2) A multistate licensee who changes primary state of residence to another party state shall apply for a multistate license in the new party state within 60 days.
Helpful FAQs and a brief video about the new rule are available online.
Nurses can enroll at no cost in Nursys eNotify to receive notifications related to license renewals at:
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