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Injectable Certificates

SubChapter 5. Authorization For Injectables

No chiropractic physician shall administer or cause to be used any injectable vitamins, minerals or nutritional supplements unless said chiropractic physician is authorized by the Board pronouncing that said chiropractic physician is proficient in the administration and use of such injectables. The Board shall establish an examination to be used by the Board to determine the proficiency of any chiropractic physician who seeks authorization from the Board. However any authorization issued before January 1, 1994, shall not require examination. The Board shall maintain a registry listing all chiropractic physicians who are authorized by the Board.

Any chiropractic physician who desires to administer vitamins, minerals or nutritional supplements by means of injectable procedures shall make application, on a form prescribed by the Board, for authorization for such purpose. Each such chiropractic physician shall submit to the Board documentary evidence of satisfactory completion of at least twenty-four (24) hours of education and training in administration and use of such injectables.  Such education and training shall be obtained at an educational program which has been approved by the Board and meets the following criteria: the program.

  1. is conducted under the auspices of and taught by the post graduate faculty of a chiropractic institution.
  2. consist of a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours;
  3. requires completion of a certification examination given by a board independent of the entity which taught the course; and
  4. meets such other criteria as the Board deems appropriate.

Approval of education and training in administration of vitamins, minerals, nutritional supplements by means of injectable procedures offered to satisfy the provisions of 140:15-5-1 and 140:15-5-2 is vested solely in the Board. No educational program shall be offered, advertised or marketed for the purpose of certification prior to being approved by the Board.  At least ninety (90) calendar days prior to offering any education and training program, the individual or group offering said program shall submit to the Board for approval;

  1. An application to provide education and training in administration of vitamins, minerals or nutritional supplements by means of injectable procedures;
  2. The course outline and course description of such program;
  3. The faculty name(s) and credentials
  4. A complete set of course materials and examination; and
  5. Fees and or costs to each participant

(a) Effective July 1, 2014, each chiropractic physician in the State of Oklahoma who is authorized by the Board to administer and use injectable vitamins, minerals or nutritional supplements must re- register and submit a sworn statement of hours of continuing education completed during the concluding licensing period.  Every three (3) years after original registration, each applicant shall submit documentation of completion of a total of six (6) hours of continuing education during the three (3) year period. The continuing education hours shall be related to the administering and use of injectable vitamins, minerals, and nutritional supplements.  These hours are in addition to the annually required sixteen (16) hours of continuing education. (b)  Upon successful demonstration of these requirements, the Board shall continue the applicant's name on the registry of chiropractic physicians who are authorized by the Board to administer and use table vitamins, minerals or nutritional supplements.

Active Injectable Certification

To see a current listing of those who hold an active injectable certification

Last Modified on Feb 06, 2025