74 O.S. § 85.45l. Trip Optimizer System - Purpose and Application - Exceptions
- Each state agency, board, commission or other entity organized within the executive department of state government shall use the Trip Optimizer system of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services in computing the optimum method and cost for travel by state employees using a motor vehicle where the travel will exceed one hundred (100) miles per day and the employee is not driving a state-owned or –leased dedicated vehicle. For purposes of this section, “dedicated vehicle” means a vehicle that has been assigned to the employee.
- The provisions of this section shall be used to determine the most cost-effective method of travel by motor vehicles, whether such vehicles are owned by the agency, leased by the agency or by the employee, and shall be applicable for purposes of determining the maximum authorized amount of any travel reimbursement for employees of such agencies related to vehicle usage.
- A non-appropriated state agency that employs persons who use personal vehicles as part of their regular duties and who are reimbursed for travel expenses by the agency shall not be required to utilize the Trip Optimizer system with regard to the travel expenses of such employees. As used in this section, “non- appropriated state agency” mean an entity within the executive branch of government that does not receive any of its funding through the annual legislative appropriations process.
- The maximum authorized amount of travel reimbursement related to vehicle usage shall be the lowest cost option as determined by the Trip Optimizer system. All travel claims submitted for reimbursement shall include the results of the Trip Optimizer system indicating the lowest cost option for travel by the state employee.
- State employees may be exempt from the reimbursement requirements of the Trip Optimizer system, provided the state employees utilize a personally owned vehicle and seek reimbursement according to the schedule referenced in subsection F of this section.
- The Office of Management and Enterprise Services may publish a schedule of reimbursement rates for state employee travel. The schedule may apply to exemptions claimed under subsection E of this section. The schedule may categorize reimbursement rates by type of vehicle and shall not exceed standard mileage reimbursement rates as established by the Internal Revenue Service.
- In providing a calculation of rates, the Trip Optimizer system shall account for the distance that an employee must travel to pick up a rental or state fleet vehicle.
- In providing a calculation of rates, the Trip Optimizer system shall account for the long-term rate discounts offered through the state’s purchasing contract for vehicle rentals.
Purchasing Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act
- Other Procurement-Related Statutes in Title 74
- Information Technology Procurement
- IT Procurement-Related Statutes in Title 62
- Pay for Success Act
- Oklahoma Correctional Industries Procurement-Related Statute
- OMES Procurement-Related Administrative Rules
- Procurement-Related Caselaw
- Procurement-Related Attorney General Opinions
- Procurement Information Memorandums