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CSS and Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc. (LASO) have partnered in order to provide comprehensive services for both child support practitioners and customers.  In exchange for joining LASO’s Pro Bono Panel and agreeing to provide legal advice and representation to one of CSS’s customers in a non-child support matter, CSS provides free child support CLE.

There are many other advantages to joining LASO’s Pro Bono Panel.  LASO provides malpractice insurance coverage on their referred cases and the expertise of staff attorneys and legal materials.  LASO also offers free CLE and a discount on OBA’s CLE once an attorney has completed 20 or more hours of pro bono service.

Customers must meet certain income requirements to qualify for LASO services.  Many customers referred to the pro bono program need basic legal help, such as filling out forms or legal advice.  Attorneys who wish to join the CSS and LASO partnership are not restricted to accepting customers needing child support assistance.


Attorneys who wish to participate in this program may do so by joining Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma’s Pro Bono Program. Complete the online form  on the Legal Aid website


Customers needing legal assistance may qualify for free legal help through Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma.  Please visit the Legal Aid website or call 1-888-534-5243, Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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