Firefighter Training Advisory Committee
The Firefighter Training Advisory Committee (FTAC) was created by the 56th Oklahoma Legislature through the passing of House Bill 1833.
The Oklahoma State Fire Marshal Commission has authority to appoint FTAC Committee Members.
Statutory duties of the Oklahoma State Fire Marshal Commission are:
- Prescribe a reporting form for the use by Volunteer Fire Departments and by Volunteer Firefighters in order to provide the certification required
- Submit an annual report on recommendations regarding fire and emergency services training needs to the Governor, Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate no later than December 31st of each year
Statutory duties of FTAC are:
- Identify firefighter training needs and setting the firefighter training goals for the State of Oklahoma
- Interact with the Homeland Security Department's Preparedness and Awareness Division on firefighter training and grants
- Advise the Oklahoma State Fire Marshal Commission in administering and maintaining the incentive recognition programs established for Oklahoma Firefighters
- Advice and assist the Oklahoma State Fire Marshal Commission in ensuring that the state has consistent basic and continuing education programs that include steps for all ranks of positions of career and volunteer firefighters by setting minimum standards for career, recommended levels for volunteer, identifying training programs and courses required for fire service members to achieve those levels
Five Levels Of Firefighter and Fire Officer
Fire Officer
Last Modified on
May 29, 2024