Authority Having Jurisdiction
Cities, Towns, Counties, and Colleges Performing Plan Review, Building Permiting, and Inspections.
Open Records Act - Request Form
Please print the Open Records Act request form, complete all information and return to the address provided on the bottom of the form. The requestor will be notified by email of any applicable fees pursuant to 51 O.S. Sections 24A.1 - 24A.30.
OKSFM Data Collection Notice
Data collected in the course of the Agency's duties, interactions, and website traffic or as supplied by merchants, vendors, or other means is securely stored in compliance with 74 O.S. Section 3106.4. OKSFM is committed to safeguarding the personal information of Oklahoma citizens among its highest priorities.
- OKSFM Statutes 74 O.S. § 314-326.11
- Suggested Smoke Alarm Locations
- Wildfire Danger, Red Flag Watch, and Warnings
- State and County Burn Ban Information
- Rural Fire Coordinator Map
- Protect Your Home from Wildfires - Tips from OSU FPP
- Have you thought about fire sprinklers?
- Arson Hotline 1-800-522-8666
Our Mission
To honorably serve and protect the citizens and businesses of Oklahoma by reducing loss of life and property through life safety inspections, fire investigations, and code compliance.
Fire Standards Compliant Cigarette Information

Tobacco companies & brands must be certified & included on the Oklahoma List of Certified Tobacco Manufacturers Approved for sale in the Tobacco Directory maintained by the Oklahoma Attorney General's Office, & be certified Fire Standards Compliant by the State Fire Marshal.