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Architecture and Engineering Practice Overlap Statute Changes

Many of the proposed amendments are a result of a multiyear Joint Task Force between the Board of Architects and the State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors:

a. The effort was modeled after a similar Texas law, which has been in effect for over 10 years.

b. Clarifies areas of professional practice that are exclusively within the scope of either engineering or architecture.

c. Lists services that can be performed by either an engineer or an architect – or both.

d. Updates and adds definitions to align with the International Building Code (IBC) for clarity.

e. WHO BENEFITS: Practicing professionals, project owners, contractor, building code officials and the public.

The statute changes include additional proposed revisions other than clarifications and removing obsolete language:

a. An exemption clarification for military or government personnel practicing within the scope of their authority and employment.

b. Clarifies that single family residences are exempt from the regulation of the
Oklahoma State Architectural and Licensed Interior Designers Act, based on the
International Residential Code (IRC).

c. New language expands the Board’s ability to provide for evolving alternative paths to licensure and future workforce development.

Last Modified on Dec 19, 2024