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Governor's Council on Workforce and Economic Development

Oklahoma brings together leaders from business, government, education, and non-profit sectors to jointly develop ways to coordinate workforce development with economic development. The Governor’s Council for Workforce and Economic Development works to develop creative solutions that expand and improve Oklahoma’s workforce, providing better jobs for workers and a skilled workforce for business and industry.


Workforce System Oversight Committee

Make recommendations, inform, coordinate and facilitate statewide efforts to improve Oklahomans’ exposure to high-demand career and entrepreneurship opportunities, along with the education and training required for entry into and advancement within a chosen career. Develop industry sector strategies in state and regional ecosystems to ensure that the education and training system is delivering the skills needed by employers.

  • Certify Workforce Development Boards in compliance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
  • Continue designing, aligning and integrating Oklahoma’s workforce/talent development and delivery system.
  • Set system-wide metrics and performance expectations.
  • Identify and conduct service delivery efficiency pilot projects.
  • Research and identify operational and organizational strategies that will help make workforce boards stronger and service delivery better.
  • Develop guidance to make the workforce system more effective and efficient.
  • Development of the State Plan, Council Strategic Plan, and the Annual Report.
  • Work with regional planning areas to develop planning documents.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is comprised of business members of the Council, including at minimum: the Chair, Vice-Chair, and the Co-Chair (private sector representative) from each of the Council’s committees, excluding those who are non-members of the Council.  The Executive Committee shall act in place of the Governor’s Council only when necessary and with subsequent full board review, action, and ratification.

  • Convey to the Governor recommendations posed by the Council;
  • Approve the direction of the Strategic Plan;
  • Develop the areas for tasks required for committees as warranted;
  • Appoint committee composition (Council members and at-large community members) and co-chairs;
  • Respond to the needs of the Council and its members;
  • Conduct an annual review of the Executive Director, and make staff capacity recommendations.

Chuck Gray, Chair
Director of Strategic Solutions
AMG Engineering & Machining, Inc.

Chris Fusselman
Tyler Media

Stan McCabe
Key Personnel

Healthcare Workforce Committee

Inform, coordinate and facilitate statewide efforts to ensure that a well-trained, adequately distributed, and flexible healthcare workforce is available to meet the needs of an efficient and effective healthcare system in Oklahoma.

  • Conduct data analysis and prepare reports on health workforce supply and demand;
  • Research and analysis of state health professional education and training capacity;
  • Recommend recruitment and retention strategies for areas determined by the Oklahoma Primary Care Office or the Oklahoma Office of Rural Health to be areas of high need; and
  • Assessment of health workforce policy, evaluation of impact on Oklahoma’s health system and health outcomes, and developing health workforce policy recommendations.

Career Pathways

Inform and foster effective workforce development strategies that align education, training, and employment services. By collaborating with employers, educational institutions, and workforce agencies, the committee ensures that programs meet the needs of both job seekers and industries.

Last Modified on Feb 05, 2025
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