The term “workforce delivery system” encompasses a wide variety of functions, services and resources working together to meet the needs of many parties. Oklahoma’s workforce is no exception, with a diverse group of stakeholders that oversee and execute different components of the delivery system. These components must align to support economic growth and development, improve employment outcomes and enhance the quality of life for Oklahomans.
While there are numerous agencies, non-profits, businesses and other groups that comprise the workforce delivery system, there are critical partners that drive much of the effort.
WIOA Core Partners
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. WIOA is implemented in Oklahoma in strategic coordination with core partner agencies, which includes the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission, Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services and Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education (CareerTech).
Workforce Development Boards
Oklahoma’s workforce system is supported by state and local workforce development boards whose responsibilities include dispersing funds for training the state's talent for high-demand industries and occupations, and employer engagement to create a system responsive to employer needs. Each of these boards are led by a majority of private business members and include vital partners such as government agencies and community organizations.
State Workforce Development Board
The state's workforce development board, also referred to as the Governor’s Council for Workforce and Economic Development, works to develop creative solutions for Oklahoma’s workforce challenges. The Governor’s Council brings together leaders from business, government, education and non-profit sectors to provide better jobs for workers and a skilled workforce for business and industry.
Local Workforce Development Boards
Oklahoma’s six local workforce development boards work to provide area specific strategies to enhance the local workforce. They analyze the local labor market, determining what occupations and industries are in high-demand, and then use that information to drive various economic and workforce initiatives, including training opportunities to bridge potential skill-gaps with the existing workforce.