Is your student's Oklahoma private school participating in the Parental Choice Tax Credit (PCTC) program? Click the link below for the participating accredited school directory.
Beginning in tax year 2024, a refundable income tax credit of up to $1,000 per student is allowed for Oklahoma taxpayers who pay qualified expenses on behalf of an eligible student who is homeschooled.
Taxpayers must request an EVN for each student from the school their student(s) attends or plans to attend. An email containing the number will be sent directly to the taxpayer on behalf of the participating school, which will be used during the application process. Only a registered accredited private school can provide an EVN to a taxpayer and an EVN can only be tied to one application.
UP TO $1,000
Homeschooled students may be eligible for the credit based on the amount of annual qualified expenses paid on behalf of each eligible student, not to exceed $1,000 per student.
Qualified expenses include:
UP TO $1,000
Homeschooled students may be eligible for the credit based on the amount of annual qualified expenses paid on behalf of each eligible student, not to exceed $1,000 per student.
Qualified expenses include:
The credit will be claimed on the Oklahoma income tax return for the tax year in which the qualified expenses are actually paid.
Proof of purchase for qualifying expenses must be shown for each student.
Is your student's Oklahoma private school participating in the Parental Choice Tax Credit (PCTC) program? Click the link below for the participating accredited school directory.