Jan. 28, 2022 State PARB Meeting
This event has passed.
The State Post Adjudication Review Advisory Board consists of twenty-one members appointed by the Governor. Five appointees are judges, eight appointees are active members of local PARBs, and three appointees represent the foster care community, and five appointees are selected from the public at-large. The administrative heads of the divisions within the Department of Human Services and the Office of Juvenile Affairs having foster care responsibilities serve as ex-officio members of the Board. The Board meets three times a year. The Board meetings are open to the public and local PARB members are always welcome to attend. Local PARB members are also invited and encouraged to express their ideas and concerns to the Board through the Coordinator or any member of the Board. This meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 28, 2022. Free parking is available at the west side of the building.
The State Post Adjudication Review Advisory Board consists of twenty-one members appointed by the Governor. Five appointees are judges, eight appointees are active members of local PARBs, and three appointees represent the foster care community, and five appointees are selected from the public at-large. The administrative heads of the divisions within the Department of Human Services and the Office of Juvenile Affairs having foster care responsibilities serve as ex-officio members of the Board. The Board meets three times a year. The Board meetings are open to the public and local PARB members are always welcome to attend. Local PARB members are also invited and encouraged to express their ideas and concerns to the Board through the Coordinator or any member of the Board. This meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 28, 2022. Free parking is available at the west side of the building.
OCCY Conference Room, 3rd Floor
2915 N. Classen Boulevard, Suite 300
Cameron Building
Oklahoma City
State: OK
Zip Code: 73106
Cameron Building
Oklahoma City
State: OK
Zip Code: 73106
Start Time
01-28-2022 10:00 AM
End Time
01-28-2022 12:00 PM
Last Modified on
Feb 14, 2022