Document | Information |
Handwritten Vehicle Examination "Inspection" Report The inspection needs to be signed by a mechanic who repaired any mechanical defects (if applicable) and/or a representative of the company. The signature is certifying the company has taken the necessary steps to address the violations discovered. So the next time they are stopped, those violations should not be present. The company should then return that inspection to Troop S by fax: (405) 702-0819 or mail: Oklahoma Highway Patrol - Troop S, 200 NE 38th Terrace, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. We also recommend that you keep a copy for your records. *Note - a Level I inspection with no violations found can serve as the annual inspection required for that vehicle. |
Printed Driver/Vehicle Examination "Inspection" Report The inspection needs to be signed by a mechanic who repaired any mechanical defects (if applicable) and/or a representative of the company. The signature is certifying the company has taken the necessary steps to address the violations discovered. So the next time they are stopped, those violations should not be present. The company should then return that inspection to Troop S by fax: (405) 702-0819 or mail: Oklahoma Highway Patrol - Troop S, 200 NE 38th Terrace, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. We also recommend that you keep a copy for your records. *Note - a Level I inspection with no violations found can serve as the annual inspection required for that vehicle. |
Printed Warning No financial penalty. Adhere to cautionary advice on warning. |
Handwritten Violations Complaint "Ticket" You will need to contact the County Court Clerk in the county issued for costs. The county is listed at the top of the complaint. The court appearance information is listed about 2/3 of the way down on the complaint. |
Printed Violations Complaint "Ticket" You will need to contact the County Court Clerk in the county issued for costs. The county is listed at the top of the complaint. The court appearance information is listed about 2/3 of the way down on the complaint. |
First Notice of Claim letter The driver or company has been sent this letter because one or more Out Of Service violations were on their Examination Report. You will need to pay the violation amount, request an Administrative Hearing or Settlement Agreement within 25 days of the letter. You can request an administrative hearing (CARRIER MUST BE REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL), which is performed via a telephone hearing. The request form can be found here. |
Second Notice of Claim letter Pay the civil penalty amount for the out of service violations. |
Final Notice of Claim letter A third and final letter has been sent to the driver or company to collect the civil penalty balance due. Failure to pay could result in legal action or jeopardize your operating authority in Oklahoma. |
Citation from Oklahoma Corporation Commission These citations are NOT from Oklahoma Highway Patrol. They are from the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. They are a separate entity and do not fall under the Department of Public Safety. Call the number at the top of the citation for further questions. |
Below are common documents that CMV drivers and companies could receive roadside, at a port of entry, weigh station, or through the mail.