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Administrative Hearing Information

The purpose of a MCSAP Administrative Hearing is to allow the motor carrier company the opportunity to dispute Out-of-Service (OOS) violations discovered during a roadside inspection. The Hearing is conducted by telephone and intended to be an informal process. They generally include a hearing officer from our office, the Inspector that performed the inspection, legal counsel representative for the motor carrier, subject matter experts or any other parties necessary. Parties can submit evidence prior to the hearing. During the hearing the Hearing Officer will be the facilitator and give each party the chance to address the violation(s). After the completion of the hearing, the Hearing Officer will take everything under advisement to make a decision. A Final Order will be created and you should receive that decision within 4-6 weeks by mail.

*Please let us know ahead of time if a translator is needed.

Administrative Hearing Request Form

NOTE: Administrative Hearing Requests must be submitted within 25 days of receiving the 1st Notice of Claim sent by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Troop S Division. If the request is submitted on/after the 26th day of the specified time frame, the request will be considered UNTIMELY. A denial response will be sent in writing via email or by postal mail.

To submit your Administrative Hearing Request in writing please include the following information: Commercial Vehicle Examination Report Number, Company Name, Company mailing address, DOT Number (if applicable), Your Name, Phone Number and email address and justification for your request as well as a suggested resolution.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

You have 25 days to submit the request after receiving the 1st Notice of Claim from OHP Troop S Division. . You may do so by filling out the form electronically, by email, or by postal mail. The time stamp will be used to determine if it is considered timely or untimely.

You have 25 days to submit the request after receiving the 1st Notice of Claim from OHP Troop S Division.. You may do so by filling out the form electronically, by email, or by postal mail. The time stamp will be used to determine if it is considered timely or untimely.

You can dispute the validity of any Out Of Service violation(s) with civil penalties during an Administrative Hearing, 25 days after receiving the 1st Notice of Claim from OHP Troop S Division.

You can send any type of correspondence by email or by postal mail. You can also bring supporting documentation in person. 

Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Troop S

200 NE 21st St
Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Civil Assessment Contact Information

OFC Phone: (405) 521-6075

Last Modified on Jan 22, 2025
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