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Colors colors are designed to be clear and accessible. They are made up of Core Colors, Alert Colors, Theme Colors and Highlight Colors.

How it Works

The different color groups have different applications. The Core Color group is coded as actionable for clear navigability. The Focus Colors and Alert Colors are to get attention. The Theme Colors harmonize and unify the site experience.

How to Use

Each color group outlined on this page has a different usage as detailed below. 

Core Colors

Core Colors are used for consistency in body text and link colors. With consistent colors for buttons and calls-to-action, the user quickly learns what is actionable, making it easy to navigate the site.

Body Copy - Slate Gray Dark

RGB: 70 70 70
HEX: #464646

Text Link - Water Blue - Dark

RGB: 0 78 154
HEX: #004E9A

Text Link Hover/Visited - Water Blue - Bright

RGB: 24 123 192
HEX: #187BC0

Focus Colors

Alert Colors are intentionally loud, and therefore are to be used sparingly. Alert Colors can commonly be found in line strokes, where the content needs to be more pronounced than other content on the page.

Sky Blue - Bright

RGB: 28 166 223


RGB: 226 0 0
HEX: #E20000

Branded Colors

Oklahoma Branded Colors, paired in Bright and Dark shades, used in backgrounds and in line strokes, help define the tone of the site, giving it expression. See Theme Colors page for more on this subject.

Sky Blue - Bright

CMYK: 72 17 0 0 | RGB: 28 166 223
HEX: #1CA6DF | Pantone: 2171

Sky Blue - Dark

CMYK: 100 48 0 14 | RGB: 0 102 166
HEX: #0066A6 | Pantone: 2384

Woodland Green - Bright

CMYK: 57 6 92 19 | RGB: 102 155 65
HEX: #669B41| Pantone: 7490

Woodland Green - Dark

CMYK: 61 0 99 56 | RGB: 50 104 32
HEX: #326820| Pantone: 2280

Red Clay - Bright

CMYK: 0 77 97 15 | RGB: 209 84 32
HEX: #D15420 | Pantone: 7580

Red Clay - Dark

CMYK: 0 70 89 48 | RGB: 145 65 21
HEX: #914115 | Pantone: 7587

Prairie Gold - Bright

CMYK: 12 49 100 0 | RGB: 222 144 39
HEX: #DE9027 | Pantone: 131

Prairie Gold - Dark

CMYK: 27 63 100 13 | RGB: 169 103 40
HEX: #A96728 | Pantone: 132

Water Blue - Bright

CYMK: 84 46 0 0 | RGB: 24 123 192
HEX: #187BC0 | Pantone: 660

Water Blue - Dark

CYMK: 100 73 0 10 | RGB: 0 78 154
HEX: #004E9A | Pantone: 7686

Slate Gray - Bright

CMYK: 0 0 0 65 | RGB: 120 120 120
#787878 | Pantone: Cool Gray 8

Slate Gray - Dark

CMYK: 0 0 0 88 | RGB: 70 70 70
HEX: #464646 | Pantone: Cool Gray 10

Alert Colors

Highlight Colors are used in the background of Alert messages to convey the tone of a message. Since the background is a color field, it separates it from the white background of the page and other graphics.

Pale Blue

RGB: 220 241 250

Lime Green

RGB: 232 240 226
HEX: #E8F0E2

Dusty Rose

RGB: 248 229 221

Petal Pink

RGB: 251 216 216

Pebble Gray

RGB: 239 239 239

Metal Gray

RGB: 188 188 188


RGB: 255 255 255

Using Color with Headline Type

Color backgrounds can be used with White headlines in the following configurations. The ADA compliance guidelines dictate that the contrast ratio for headlines be at least 3:1.

Headline type with Bright colored background

Headline type with Dark colored background

All of the colors which are specified as Dark can be used as color backgrounds with white header type.

Using Color with Body Text

Color backgrounds can be used with White colored body text in the following configuration. The AA compliance guidelines dictate that the contrast ratio for normal text be at least 4.5:1.

Body text with Bright colored background

Body text with Dark colored background

Last Modified on Aug 04, 2022
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