Please Support House Bill 2160
Thank you for visiting this support page for House Bill 2160. HB2160 is an effort by the Oklahoma New Motor Vehicle Commission to provide much needed clarity and modernization to important parts of Title 47 administered and enforced by our agency. Modern and clear language is critical to the effective and efficient regulation of the new motor vehicle industry in Oklahoma. ONMVC wishes to fulfill its obligations as provided for by the Oklahoma Legislature. HB2160 is supported by new motor vehicle dealers and other auto industry stakeholders. Rep. Mike Dobrinski is the author for HB 2160.
We respectfully ask for your support for this important and much needed legislation!
HB2160 is lengthy because Title 47 is a lengthly title. To help Legislators use their time efficiently and provide context to make the proposed changes more easily understood, we have produced the informative, narrative clips embedded below. They focus on each Amendment topic and section separately.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact: Brad Bailey, the ONMVC's Executive Director and registered Legislative Liasion at (405) 607-8227 Ext. 102 or by email at
Part 1 Proposed Amendments to: Sections 561, 562 & 563- Terms and Definitions and Language Cleanup; Section 564 - Spot Delivery Agreements & Criminal Background History Checks and Section 578 - Distance Measurement Standards and Dealership Locations
Part 2 Proposed Amendments to: Section 565 (B) - Right of First Refusal Language Modernization and 565.2 Dealer Termination Language Clarifications.
Proposed Amendments to: Section 565 (B) - Right of First Refusal Language Modernization.
Proposed Amendments to: Section 565.2 - Dealer Termination Notifications