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Transition For Youth with Disabilities

DRS Transition offers students with disabilities who are eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) or Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired (SBVI) a variety of job-related services. These prepare them for the future workforce and life after high school. Specially trained Transition counselors are assigned to each high school and able to help students with the following programs:

  • Vocational counseling and guidance:  through direct contact, the DRS counselor assists teachers, parents and students in developing appropriate career goals.
  • Vocational assessment and evaluation:  helps determine students' employment-related strengths and interests and provides recommended career fields to investigate
Students smiling and making peace signs in a classroom with lunch and paperwork on the table.
  • School Work Study (SWS) is arranged through school contracts. From jobs at the school, its district or the community, students earn job readiness skills, a minimum wage paycheck and high school credits.
  • Work Adjustment Training (WAT) is a program that provides jobs through school/community contracts. It gives students a firm foundation in job skills. Because of this, students are better prepared for competitive, integrated employment after high school.
  • On-the-Job Training (OJT) provides students the opportunity to obtain community employment. The students’ jobs are in their career of choice with permanent employment as a goal. This program is available during the second semester of their senior year.
  • Supported Employment (SE) helps senior Transition students with the most significant disabilities into permanent employment. A job coach helps in searching for jobs, filling out applications, interviewing, learning the job and working toward independence on the job.
  • Job Development and Placement specialists help students make job searches more successful. They help students identify their interests and strengths. The specialist and student then find possible businesses with job openings, complete the job application, and prepare for the interview. Throughout the process, the specialists will work closely with the DRS counselor.

After graduation, DRS counselors and students continue to work toward vocational and employment goals. Some services are available to all eligible individuals without charge. At this point, individuals may be asked to share the cost of some services, depending on income and financial resources.

To find the DRS office that serves your high school, follow this link.

3 Questions Under 3 Minutes with Renee Samson Briscoe

Training For The Hispanic Community - Disabilities are Abilities: Realizing Dreams within Special Education - (Language Barrier vs Parental Advocacy Longitudinal Study).

We are working on a research project with Oklahoma State University (OSU) and the Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS). The purpose of this research project is to support the Hispanic families in Oklahoma communities regarding, advocacy for their children with special needs’ progression through PreK-12 public schooling and into adulthood by providing informational workshops in Spanish.

Special education is a targeted and specific process complicated by consistently changing special education laws, updated technology, and the newest evidence-based research practices. By offering workshops in native language, the hope is all parents have access to the knowledge and information to navigate and advocate for their child within the special education process.

The trainings consist of SPED Law and Parents Rights, for example, IDEA  and the IEP, SPED Documents, for example, the IEP within the SPED process, Transition to Adulthood, for example, DRS and services, and Advocacy, for example, the three parts of advocacy for parental involvement. Please contact Claudia Maldonado-Otto at OR Renee Sansom Briscoe at for more information!

For more information in Spanish click here



Youth Attend Independent Living Skills Camp from Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired

A group of four sitting a computer tables. One adult is talking with a VIBE student. Two students on the opposite side talk to each other.

Transition offers summer camps for transition-aged youth to learn independent living skills, job skills or just to have fun interacting with other kids with disabilities or who are blind and visually impaired.

Webinars and Resources

NEXT STEPS - Parents — your child with disabilities can achieve their dreams of an education and an independent future. Learn about the services we offer that can assist your child in securing a bright future.

To learn more, contact Renee Sansom at On the web at,or call 1-800-845-8476.

Transition School to Work - Dream Big Video

Share Fair Round 1 - Featuring Central Tech's Shelly Rentz, Sooner SUCCESS' Erin Strayhorn, Developmental Disability Services' Jennifer Upshaw and Department of Rehabilitation Services' Renee Sansom.

A screen shot of the presenters

Share Fair Round 1

Share Fair Round 2 - Featuring DRS' Jason Price and Ali Bolz regarding Social Security and Benefits Planning.

Speaker Ali Bolz

Share Fair Round 2

Project SEARCH

Youth / Employers

Are you a student who has a disability between the age of 18 to 24 and want to earn some work experience? Project SEARCH may be for you.

This program introduces a group of young adults to the workplace with real world job experiences over the course of nine months through a nonpaid internship. 

Project Search logo

Oklahoma Transition Council

Oklahoma Transition Council logo
A teacher helps a student on the computer

How to apply

Step 1: Locate an office nearest you, use this link to find the state office and contact information that serves your area.

Step 2: Call for an appointment

Step 3: Fill out an application

Step 4: Gather as much medical information as you can

Step 5: Show up for the appointment to complete the application


You may complete an online self-referral, and someone from DRS will contact you to initiate the application process.


Keys to Success

  • Keep in contact with your counselor
  • Let him or her know if you move or change phone numbers
  • Complete any assignments


A person may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation services if he or she has a significant physical, emotional, mental, or learning disability that is a substantial barrier to employment and requires VR services to prepare for, obtain, keep or return to work.

A person may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation from Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired if he or she has blindness or a significant visual impairment that is a substantial barrier to employment and requires SBVI services to prepare for, obtain, keep or return to work.

What to bring

Copy of documentation verifying the disabling condition(s), copy of academic transcript(s), Social Security card, picture ID, immigration status documentation if not a US citizen, medical insurance verification, if available.

Oklahoma Works Logo

Oklahoma Works brings all of our state’s workforce resources together, connecting employers, employees and job-seekers to information and programs that help build Oklahoma’s workforce.