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We serve students with disabilities

A teacher helps a student read braille

The Oklahoma School for the Blind and the Oklahoma School for the Deaf provide on-campus specialized education programs for residential students and those who commute from home. The specialized educational programs taught are in coordination with all state-mandated educational requirements. Tuition is free. Both OSB and OSD offer pre-school programs and provide onsite consultation to benefit students who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired and attend other public schools across the state of Oklahoma.

The Transition School to Work program assists middle school and high school students with disabilities make a successful transition to post-school education and employment. Many Oklahoma school districts and career technology centers have agreements with DRS to help students with disabilities gain employment experience, school credit and income for working in their communities or at their school. To find the DRS office that serves your high school, follow this link.

The Accessible Instructional Materials Center at the Oklahoma Library for the Blind maintains a central depository of braille and large print textbooks and other specialized instructional materials for loan to Oklahoma students who cannot use regular print in grades pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.

The Children’s Hearing Aid program for school-age children in the state provides two hearing aids per qualifying child. This program is for children who have no other means to get a hearing aid. After approval, children will be evaluated by the audiologist from the OSD list.  All evaluations will be done at OSD in Sulphur. Based on the audiologist’s evaluation and recommendation, the child’s hearing aids will be ordered through the program.

A deaf student reads to the class