Central Oklahoma Healthy Start Initiative: - This group is an extension of Community Health Centers of Oklahoma for family health and dental clinics. The focus is those women who are child bearing age, pregnant, have infants to 18 months and expectant fathers and fathers of baby.
Child Passenger Safety (oklahoma.gov) Learn about child car seat safety.
Children First Program (oklahoma.gov) Children First is a free program for first-time mothers in Oklahoma that provides personal visits with specially trained nurses beginning early in the pregnancy and continuing through the child’s second birthday.
Children & Family Health (oklahoma.gov) Find educational information and resources.
Domestic Violence Resources (oklahoma.gov) Domestic violence resources and Oklahoma hotline.
Free & Low-Cost Dental Clinics | Oklahoma Dental Association (okda.org) The ODA’s mission is to promote valuable public health services to Oklahomans. Here we have provided a list of statewide resources for anyone seeking dental care.
Health Alliance - Health Alliance (hauonline.org) The Health Alliance for the Uninsured is a catalyst for access to health care services for those who otherwise would be unable to obtain them. HAU is a community collaborative that makes quality health care available to Oklahoma’s vulnerable uninsured and under-insured populations. Partners include physicians, safety net clinics, hospitals and other public and private partners.
Immunizations (oklahoma.gov) Immunization Service, an Oklahoma State Department of Health Prevention and Preparedness Services program, provides Oklahomans with reliable information and resources to make decisions about vaccines.
Life (oklahoma.gov) Supporting Oklahoma parents and babies before, during and after birth. You are not alone.
ocadvsa – ocadvsa Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. We provide educational and informational resources for victim service providers, law enforcement, mental health professionals, and other advocates. Provides Oklahoma and National hotline, and interactive map of shelters and crisis centers throughout Oklahoma.
OK I'm Ready | Substance Use and Drug Addiction Resources (okimready.org) Substance Use Disorder is not a moral issue. It is a chronic, treatable disease that individuals can recover from and go on to live healthy lives. The facts are that there are safe, effective and lifesaving tools available to help people experiencing substance use. OK I’M READY is a resource to help.
Oklahoma County Health Departments Reference Guide - Find your county health department.
Oklahoma Health Care Authority - Apply for healthcare.
Oklahoma State Department of Health (340) Find family health services, vital statistics information, Vaccination records and immunization information, and more.
Quality, Affordable Medical Care (varietycare.org) We provide care to all persons, regardless of income, residency status, employment, health insurance coverage or ability to pay for services. You do not have to be a resident of any specific city, county or area to access our services.
Quit Smoking For FREE With The Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline | OK TSET (okhelpline.com) If you’re trying to quit tobacco, you’re not alone. We understand the struggle, and we’ve got you’re back. Wherever you are in your journey, the support you need is right here.
SoonerStart (oklahoma.gov) SoonerStart is Oklahoma’s early intervention program designed to meet the needs of families with infants or toddlers (ages birth to 3 years old) with developmental delays and/or disabilities in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Teen Driver Safety (oklahoma.gov) Learn about teen driver safety. Driving safety tips for parents and teens.