Mission Statement
The Oklahoma State Advisory Group (SAG) advises the Office of Juvenile Affairs, the Governor, and the Legislature on best practices for youth at-risk or involved in the juvenile justice system. The SAG administers federal funds through the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act as reauthorized in the 2018 Juvenile JusticeReform Act. The SAG advises on innovative solutions designed to promote healthy development that prevents and reduces future crime for at-risk youth.
Oklahoma SAG Mission Statement Adopted October 2019
2024 SAG Meetings
January 11-12, 2024 - 10:00 a.m. (Planning Retreat)
Boomer Room
Embassy Suites
2501 Conference Drive
Norman, OK 73069
February 2, 2024 - 10:00 a.m.
Office of Juvenile Affairs
MC Connors Building
2501 N. Lincoln Blvd., Ste. 500
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
April 5, 2024 - 10:00 a.m.
Office of Juvenile Affairs
MC Connors Building
2501 N. Lincoln Blvd., Ste. 500
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
June 7, 2024 - 10:00 a.m.
Office of Juvenile Affairs
MC Connors Building
2501 N. Lincoln Blvd., Ste. 500
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
- Grant Resources
- Useful Grant Info
- Application Materials
The below links can provide assistance with program development and implementation.
US Department of Justice Financial Guide
John D. MacArthur Foundation Guide
Center for the Study and Prevention & Violence
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
This page is dedicated to the State Advisory Group on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (SAG); you will also find necessary forms, resources and documentation for grant submission and requirements.
If you would like to be added to the SAG mailing list for updates on available grants and other information, please complete the form found here.
The Delinquency Prevention RFP
Title II Formula Grant Pre Bid Conference-DELINQUENCY PREVENTION-20230124_222409-Meeting Recording
0 - 0 RFP Del Prev FY2023 12-05-2022LB edits 12 2022
Form 1 - Application Project Information Summary
Form 2 - Department of Justice Certifications
Form 3 - Financial Capability Questionnnaire
Form 4 - Civil Rights Checklist
Form 5 - Civil Rights Certification
Form 6 - Logic Model Template and Instructions
Form 7 - Youth Advisory Council Form
Form 9 - Certification and Agreement to Standard Conditions
Form 10 - Performance Measures
Form 11 Suitability Certification
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for RFP Process
Q: Can anyone attend the Pre-Bid Conference and apply for the grant, or is it just for schools?
A: Units of general local government, state agencies, Native Tribes, and private non-profit agencies are eligible to apply for JJDP funds.
Q: If we missed the Pre-Bid Conference, can we still apply?
A: Yes, the Pre-Bid Conference was recorded and the recording can be accessed on the OJA website. The Pre-Bid Conference is not mandatory, although it is strongly recommended.
Q: On page 6 under IV., A. The Program Overview Narrative, it states that the Narrative shall not exceed four typed pages. Does the four pages pertain to IV., A, or all of IV?
A: The 4-page Program Narrative limit consists of IV A-F.
G is the Budget that has it’s own form.
Q: Can you explain how we are to use this Form 10? Are we selecting the outcomes in addition to the mandatory outcomes we will report? Do we delete the outcomes we will not be reporting? Do we put in a date that we will be reporting? Does the report date need to be every quarter, semi-annual or annual?
A: Form 10 serves as your Goal-tracking form throughout the grant. It includes all of the data and Performance Measures that will be collected and reported to OJJDP during the grant operations. The only Measure in Form 10 that may be self-selected is contained in Question 17, where a subgrantee may select which of the categories might best represent the program the agency has chosen to implement: if appliable to the program being provided, there are options to choose Substance Abuse, School Attendance, Antisocial Behavior, or Family Relationships. The information is updated and submitted each Quarter as part of the Quarterly Progress Reports.
The link that is provided takes you an OJJDP page with further Measures that may be self-selected that might be more specific to the type of model chosen to be implemented by the Youth Advisory Committee, including: Cultural-Specific, Trauma-Informed, Multi-Disciplinary Team, serving Detained, adjudicated, or probation-violating youth, Tribal court, Development of Protective Factors, Improved relationships with caregivers, and other options.