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Special Announcements

Functional Family Therapy RFP (ongoing)

OJA is excited to announce a continuously open Request for Proposals (RFP) for this project. This opportunity allows agencies to apply when they learn of this prospect and/or determine their agency is able to fulfill the requirements of the initiative. OJA’s goal is to ensure all 77 counties in the state have access to FFT.

Request for Application - Substance Use Specific Level E Group Home

The Office of Juvenile Affairs (OJA) is pleased to announce Requests for Applications for a Substance Use Specific Level E Group Home. Many youth involved with the Juvenile Justice system are using substances and are at a higher risk of becoming addicted. OJA is seeking a program that can address this specific need which is vital to youth achieving a successful future.  


Oklahoma Youth Academy Charter School


State Advisory Group


Prison Rape Elimination Act


Volunteer and Mentor Program


Donations for youth in OJA care

Special Announcements:

News Releases
