Small Mines | Large Mines |
Brakefield Equipment, Inc. (Brakefield #1) |
Kemp Stone Co., Inc. (Hulbert Quarry) |
APAC-Central, Inc. (Spiro Quarry) |
Lattimore Materials (Stringtown) |
River Valley Materials, LLC (Braden Sand Pit) |
U.S. Lime Company – St. Clair |
Donaho Stone, LLC (Wilburton #1) |
Dolese Bros. Co. (Big Canyon) |
Withers Shale, Inc. |
HSG Acquisition Company, LLC (Coweta Plant #10) |
Dane Ford (2 Rivers) |
Harris Construction Services (Harris #2) |
King Trucking Company (Mine #1) |
Dolese Bros. Co. (Cooperton) |
Dolese Bros. Co. (Dover) |
Harrison Gypsum, LLC (ACG Materials - Bouse Junction #1) |
Inspector's Safety Awards
In 2006, the Oklahoma Department of Mines created the Inspector's Safety Award. Recipients are chosen on an established set of criteria that rewards operators for safe mining practices. These criteria include number of violations, reduction in violations from the previous year, and warnings. ODM Inspectors are assigned a portion of the state to work, with an average of over 50 permits per Inspector. Each Inspector reviews the criteria and determines a "large" mine and a "small" mine for his territory. For the purpose of this award, a large mine has more than five employees and a small mine has five or fewer employees on site. Contractors do not count toward the total and the site has to be manned. The time frame is from July 1 to June 30 and the awards are presented each year at the Oklahoma Mine Health and Safety Conference. Instead of plaques, which no one entering a mine site ever sees unless they go inside the office, ODM decided to make the awards more visible by using 30" by 36" road signs put together by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation's Sign Shop. These have been a much coveted item and ODM is proud to recognize those operators that make safety a priority.
2024 Inspector's Safety Award Recipients
Small Mines | Large Mines |
Oklahoma Department of Mines Inspector Bob Butler with Jim Brakefield and Chris Boyles from Small Mine Safety Award Winner Brakefield Equipment, Inc. (Brakefield #1, Permit Number L.E.-2746)
Oklahoma Department of Mines Inspector Bob Butler with Brent Morton from Large Mine Safety Award Winner Kemp Stone Co., Inc. (Hulbert Quarry, Permit Number L.E.-2089)
Oklahoma Department of Mines Inspector Fred Woodrow with Derek Porter from Small Mine Safety Award Winner King Trucking Company (Mine #1, Permit Number L.E.-1946)
Oklahoma Department of Mines Inspector Fred Woodrow with Steve Youmans and David Finley from Large Mine Safety Award Winner Dolese Bros. Co. (Cooperton, Permit Number L.E.-1653)
Oklahoma Department of Mines Inspector Troy Young with Travis Ledford and David Finley from Small Mine Safety Award Winner Dolese Bros. Co. (Dover, Permit Number L.E.-1657)
Oklahoma Department of Mines Inspector Troy Young with Braydin Farrow, Evan Conley, Adrian Dominguez, and George Lonebear from Small Mine Safety Award Winner Harrison Gypsum, LLC (ACG Materials - Bouse Junction #1, Permit Number L.E.-1733)
Oklahoma Department of Mines Inspector Loney Gregory with Casey Stenbeck from Small Mine Safety Award Winner River Valley Materials, LLC (Braden Sand Pit, Permit Number L.E.-2789)
Oklahoma Department of Mines Inspector Loney Gregory with Alvin Jones, Dulaney Meadows, Joseph Cook, Jason Janway, Ron Terrell, Skyler Oren, Zac Carter, and Dennis Johnson from Large Mine Safety Award Winner U.S. Lime Company – St. Clair (Permit Number L.E.-1451)
Oklahoma Department of Mines Inspector Matt Moss with John and Fallon Withers from Small Mine Safety Award Winner Withers Shale, Inc. (Permit Number L.E.-2667)
Oklahoma Department of Mines Inspector Mike Darneal with William Houston from Large Mine Safety Award Winner Lattimore Materials (Stringtown, Permit Number L.E.-2079)
Oklahoma Department of Mines Inspector Brad Montgomery with Dustin Darnell and David Finley from Large Mine Safety Award Winner Dolese Bros. Co. (Big Canyon, Permit Number L.E.-1656)
2023 Inspector's Safety Award Recipients
Small Mines | Large Mines |
B&B Sand and Gravel (#2) |
APAC-Central, Inc. (Muskogee) |
Belt Construction LLC (Pit on 70) |
APAC-Central, Inc. (Pawhuska Quarry) |
Benton County Stone (Rockin E Quarry) |
Dolese Bros. (White Eagle) |
-C- Farms, Inc. |
Lightle Sand and Construction (South Sand Mine) |
Capitol Stone |
Oklahoma Aztec Co. (Asher 1 and Asher 1-4) |
Future, Inc. (Britton and Post) |
Quality Stone |
JCJ Trucking LLC (Black Bear Mine #2) |
TXI Operations (Bells Savoy) |
Meridian Brick, LLC (Muskogee Pit) |
Unimin Corporation (Roff Plant) |