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Muskogee-Davis Regional (MKO)

City: Muskogee

OASP Role: National Business (NB)

NPIAS Role: Regional


Airport Phone: (918) 684-6343  

City Phone: (918) 684-6201

Project Description Total Project Cost Federal Share State Share Local Share Fiscal Year
Overlay RW, TW, apron, and turnarounds; drainage and seeding; obstruction lights $102,374.00 $0.00 $102,374.00 $0.00 1969
Install terminal VOR (TVOR) and NDB (F,S,L participation: total project cost $64,250) $35,250.00 $35,250.00 $0.00 $0.00 1974
Overlay RW 4/22 (F,S,L participation) $298,050.00 $0.00 $298,050.00 $0.00 1976
Reconstruct portion of apron $179,686.00 $179,686.00 $0.00 $0.00 1978
Overlay remainder of north ramp and repair TWs A and B $96,686.00 $0.00 $96,686.00 $0.00 1979
Install MIRL RW 13/31, lighted wind cone; approach lights RW 13/31 (F,S,L participation: total project $76,400.00 $76,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 1980
Reconstruct/overlay portion of apron, including drainage improvements $160,000.00 $160,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 1981
Improve RW and TW $330,510.00 $330,510.00 $0.00 $0.00 1983
Clean and seal cracks; fog seal north apron $40,000.00 $0.00 $40,000.00 $0.00 1984
Rehabilitate RWs and TWs; seal coat RW; improve drainage $738,000.00 $738,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 1988
Overlay RW 4/22 (75 x 3,850); reconstruct and rehabilitate TW B (50 x 800) $276,830.00 $245,000.00 $23,151.00 $8,679.00 1990
Replace beacon and transformer $12,390.00 $0.00 $9,912.00 $2,478.00 1996
Rehabilitate RW $36,630.00 $0.00 $29,304.00 $7,326.00 1997
Rehabilitate/Reconstruct north parking apron (15,900 sy) $683,243.00 $614,919.00 $34,162.00 $34,162.00 1999
Rehabilitate and mark north apron $719,203.00 $647,283.00 $35,960.00 $35,960.00 2000
Install new RW edge lights, PAPI-4, and MALSR on RW 13-31 $322,264.00 $225,000.00 $81,001.00 $16,263.00 2001
Conduct misc study; rehab runway 4/22 $113,158.00 $107,500.00 $0.00 $5,658.00 2003
Rehabilitate runway 13/31 $1,255,505.00 $1,192,730.00 $31,388.00 $31,388.00 2004
Rehabilitate Taxiway Lighting $459,771.00 $436,782.00 $0.00 $22,989.00 2006
Improve Runway Safety Area [Design-Only] - 04/22, Update Airport Master Plan Study [ALP Corrections per comments] $68,400.00 $64,980.00 $0.00 $3,420.00 2009
design-only grant to remove the shoulders along runway 04/22 and rehabilitate the parallel taxiway system to runway 31/31 $275,750.00 $0.00 $248,175.00 $27,575.00 2009
Improve Runway Safety Area [Phase 2 - construction. Note: Phase 1 design paid via OAC grant] - 04/22 $241,889.00 $229,795.00 $0.00 $12,094.00 2010
Rehabilitate Taxiway [Rehabilitate Taxiway C] $2,397,926.00 $2,064,393.00 $215,115.00 $128,418.00 2012
Construction of new terminal building $1,135,800.00 $0.00 $500,000.00 $635,800.00 2012
Rehabilitate Runway [Phase I - Design] - 04/22, Rehabilitate Taxiway [Rehab TWY Connector, Ph I, Design] $48,250.00 $43,425.00 $0.00 $4,825.00 2014
Rehab runway 04/22 $933,345.00 $840,010.00 $46,667.00 $46,668.00 2015
Crack repair, crack seal, seal coat, and remarking of airfield pavements $1,318,050.00 $300,000.00 $712,500.00 $305,550.00 2017
Rehabilitate Runway - 13/31 $333,333.33 $300,000.00 $0.00 $33,333.33 2017
Construct concrete hardstand on main parking apron $190,000.00 $0.00 $180,500.00 $9,500.00 2018
CRRSA Act Funds $13,000.00 $13,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2021
Install Runway Vertical/Visual *Local Share covered by 2021 ARPA Funding* Guidance System $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2021
Reconstruct Airport Beacon *Local Share covered by 2021 ARPA Funding* $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2021
Rehabilitate Runway Lighting *Local Share covered by 2021 ARPA Funding* $102,100.00 $102,100.00 $0.00 $0.00 2021
Rehabilitate runway lights, PAPIs, beacon, vault, homerun & flight inspection $1,060,000.00 $954,000.00 $53,000.00 $53,000.00 2022
PER - Runway 13/31 Rehabilitation $83,754.35 $75,378.00 $8,376.35 $0.00 2022
Last Modified on Apr 19, 2023
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