This guide has resources to help you obey the law and not sell tobacco to people younger than 21.
Order Materials
Looking to help ensure your business is compliant with tobacco laws? Order the free resources for tobacco shops below.
T21 Retail Education Guidebook & Toolkit
This is a toolkit for tobacco shops about the Tobacco 21 law change, which bans the sale of tobacco to anyone under 21 years of age. The toolkit has resources such as posters, window clings, and buttons. The materials are also available for digital download. Order the toolkit using the form below.
Complete the form below to order your free resource materials
Breathe Easy
Secondhand smoke, also known as passive smoking, is a known cause of cancer, heart disease and stroke, and is estimated to cause more than 700 deaths in Oklahoma among nonsmokers each year. BreatheEasy raises awareness of secondhand smoke and provides decals free of charge for retailers.