

Enrollment Verification Information for schools

For school year 2025-2026, all registered accredited private schools must submit enrollment verification information for students who wish to participate in the Parental Choice Tax Credit program. This information is used to create an Enrollment Verification Number (EVN), a unique identifier for an eligible student who attends or plans to attend an eligible private school which verifies the details of the student’s enrollment, including tuition and fees.


Taxpayers must request an EVN for each student from the school their student(s) attends or plans to attend. An email containing the number will be sent directly to the taxpayer on behalf of the participating school, which will be used during the application process. Only a registered accredited private school can provide an EVN to a taxpayer and an EVN can only be tied to one application.


Enrollment Verification Number (EVN)

The EVN associated with the student will stay the same throughout the process, even if changes are submitted to the enrollment verification information.


Bulk Upload Process

  • This process allows schools to upload all student records at once.

  • Once logged into OkTAP, a blank excel template will be provided with columns for all necessary information.

  • The bulk import feature can only be submitted once. If changes are needed after finalizing the bulk import, the changes will need to be made manually to each student record.


Editing Enrollment Verification Information

  • Edits can be made to enrollment verification information until the EVN is used in a submitted application. Once an EVN is used by a taxpayer in a submitted application, no changes can be made to the enrollment verification information without the taxpayer withdrawing the application, which will allow the school to make the necessary corrections to the enrollment verification information. Please note, this will cause the taxpayer to lose their position in line and a new application must be submitted.

  • Submitting edits will prompt a new e-mail to be sent to the primary parent or guardian alerting them of the changes.


Important Information

  • Include only scholarships and grants that have been awarded at the time the EVN is generated.

  • The system will automatically calculate the net tuition and fees based on the financial information schools provide.

  • Once an EVN is used by a taxpayer in a submitted application, no changes can be made to the enrollment verification information without first withdrawing the application, which will cause the taxpayer to lose their position in line.

  • Schools must complete the enrollment verification process prior to taxpayers being able to apply for the Parental Choice Tax Credit.


Click the above link to begin the registration and reconciliation process.


Registration must be completed and approved to begin the reconciliation process. During this process if your computer is left idle for 15 minutes, you will be logged out and have to start over. Please be prepared with the following information, as details entered cannot be saved for later and you will be required to restart the process if you don’t have everything listed below:


1. School Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)


2. Mailing and Physical Address Information


3. Primary and Secondary Contact Information

One of the following will be required as proof of employment for both primary and secondary contacts:

  • ID Badge
  • Letter of Employment
  • Business Card


4. Accreditation Information

  • Name of accrediting association
  • Date of accreditation
  • Letter of accreditation from accrediting association


After your registration is approved, you can complete the reconciliation process by logging on to OkTAP. As a reminder, your changes will not be saved automatically. If you intend on completing the reconciliation process in more than one sitting, you will need to click save draft before you exit. Please be prepared with the following information:


1. School Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)


2. Number of Instructional Days Per Semester


3. Enrollment By Semester For Each Student

  • Full Enrollment
  • Partial Enrollment
  • None


4. Partial Semester Students

You will be required to enter the number of instructional days the student was enrolled (not attended) in your school.


Reconciliation is due by November 1, 2024, which is before the end of the semester. For students fully enrolled at your school at the time you complete the reconciliation process, you should enter “full enrollment.”

PCTC School Registration

PCTC School Registration

Help Center For Schools

No. The Parental Choice Tax Credit (PCTC) is an individual income tax credit and belongs to the taxpayer that applied for the credit. The school must release the check to the taxpayer.


If there are outstanding tuition and fees, the taxpayer may choose to endorse the check to the school to be applied to their student’s tuition and fees or collect the PCTC check and pay the tuition and fees with alternative funds.

If the taxpayer endorses a Parental Choice Tax Credit (PCTC) check to the school in an amount greater than the balance owed to the school for tuition and fees, the excess amount belongs to the taxpayer and must be returned to the taxpayer.

Yes. The Oklahoma Tax Commission will work directly with the Taxpayer to recapture any misallocated funds. Schools assist with validating enrollment via an annual reconciliation. Should a check be mailed to a school for a student who no longer attends their school, please notify the Oklahoma Tax Commission of the error, so that the check may be returned.

For schools that are new to the program beginning in 2025, please be aware that there is not an application period for taxpayers to receive the credit for the Spring 2025 semester. Pursuant to the new legislation, HB3388, the Spring 2025 semester is a transition, or “bridge”, to transition the credit from a tax year credit to a school year credit. Only those taxpayers that received a credit for Fall 2024 are eligible to receive a credit for Spring 2025.


Students who attended an accredited private school physically located in Oklahoma and were approved and received the credit for Fall 2024 will automatically be approved for the Spring 2025 semester without having to reapply. The credit amount payable for Spring 2025 will be based upon the Fall 2024 installment disbursement payment amount.


Please note, the automatic approval and payment is for the Spring 2025 semester only. Any taxpayer wishing to participate in the program for the 2025-2026 school year must apply when applications open on February 18, 2025.

Schools are required to provide the name of their accrediting association, date of accreditation, and letter of accreditation from accrediting association.

While there is no deadline for school registrations, taxpayers are unable to apply without an Enrollment Verification Number (EVN) from a registered accredited school.


Please note, delaying registration could result in a taxpayer not receiving a credit due to limited funds available for the program.

If your school does not complete the reconciliation process as required, the taxpayer that received the tax credit to pay for their student’s tuition will receive an assessment letter requiring them to repay the amount they received. Without the reconciliation information, the OTC does not have verification that the student(s) actually attended the school and were eligible to receive the credit. Thus, the OTC has a duty to recover any money that was disbursed to the taxpayer without reconciliation information from the school.

 Once your school registration has been completed and approved, you can generate an enrollment verification number (EVN) in bulk for all students via an import. Please note, this bulk functionality will only be available for submission once. However, you will have the option to individually generate an enrollment verification number and edit a previously generated enrollment verification for a student(s).


Please be prepared with the following, as this information is needed for the template:


  • Full name and date of birth of each student
  • Full name, address, and email address of the primary parent listed for each student
  • Full name, address, and email address of the secondary parent listed for each student (if applicable)
  • Full year tuition and fees for each student
    • Qualified expenses for the private school tax credit include tuition and fees at an accredited private school. Fees may include, but are not limited to, enrollment, registration, or application fees; textbook fees; technology fees; activity fees; testing and assessment fees; and fees paid for school uniforms, if paid directly to the school. Qualified expenses for the private school tax credit do not include tuition and fees paid with a scholarship or otherwise reduced or discounted by the school
  • Scholarships and/or grants for students (if applicable)
    • Please do not include potential scholarship or grant amounts. Only include scholarships and/or grants that have been awarded at the time of generation of EVN.

If you receive a check for a student that no longer attends your school, please email and mail checks to:

Oklahoma Tax Commission

ATTN: Parental Choice Tax Credit
            P.O. Box 269060
            Oklahoma City, OK 73126

For data integrity purposes, OkTAP only allows one bulk upload to prevent duplicate and/or outdated data.

While there is only one bulk upload allowed per school, the enrollment verification information upload does not impact a taxpayer's place in line as long as it is completed prior to the application window opening on February 18, 2025, at 9:00 am CST. Once the bulk upload process has occurred, schools will still have the opportunity to individually add students as they enroll and request an enrollment verification number (EVN).


An important reminder regarding the enrollment verification information: It is crucial that schools ensure all information is accurate when uploading the enrollment verification information. Taxpayers will be negatively impacted if enrollment verification information needs to be changed after an application has been submitted. Should a taxpayer request enrollment verification information be changed after the application is submitted, the taxpayer would have to withdraw their application, request a new EVN from the school, and resubmit their application. A taxpayer’s withdrawal of their application will result in the taxpayer losing their place in line, and the date and time of the new application will be the taxpayer’s new place in line.

The school designates the primary and secondary parent when they enter their enrollment verification information. Based on the information submitted by the school, the Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC) will send the EVN and all related communication to the primary parent only. Secondary parents will not receive any enrollment verification information from the OTC.

Date and time of taxpayer application determines the applicant’s place in line. A taxpayer must have a valid EVN to submit an application. The date and time of the school’s submission of the enrollment verification information to the Oklahoma Tax Commission does not impact the taxpayer’s place in line, as long as it is completed prior to the application window opening on February 18, 2025, at 9:00 am CST.


An important reminder regarding the enrollment verification information: It is crucial that schools ensure all information is accurate when uploading the enrollment verification information. Taxpayers will be negatively impacted if enrollment verification information needs to be changed after an application has been submitted. Should a taxpayer request enrollment verification information be changed after the application is submitted, the taxpayer would have to withdraw their application, request a new EVN from the school, and resubmit their application. A taxpayer’s withdrawal of their application will result in the taxpayer losing their place in line, and the date and time of the new application will be the taxpayer’s new place in line.

Authorized individuals for each school will log in via OkTAP to create Enrollment Verification Numbers (EVN) for students who are interested in applying for the Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit.


A template for the bulk import is available in OkTAP and can be uploaded in .csv, .xlsx, or .xls format.


Once a template file has been successfully uploaded, emails are automatically generated from the Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC) to the primary parent.


Please review the steps and best practices below:

1.      The "Enrollment Verification Import Template" was created specifically for use with the Parental Choice Tax Credit and can be found once logged into OkTAP under “Generate Enrollment Verification (Import).”

2.     Open the file in your preferred spreadsheet tool and complete the fields. Please note that each row represents information for a unique student and each column should contain information about that student.

3.     The columns with a asterisk (*) are required fields. Data is required in every column EXCEPT middle initials, secondary parent information, and scholarships/grants.


Column Name


Student's First Name*


Student's Middle Initial


Student's Last Name*


Student's Date of Birth*

Student must be at least 4 years of age, but below 21 years of age, on or before Sept. 1st of the relevant school year.
Please enter in this format: mm/dd/yyyy

Primary Parent's First Name*


Primary Parent's Middle Initial


Primary Parent's Last Name*


Primary Parent's Address*


Primary Parent's Address - City*


Primary Parent's Address - State*


Primary Parent's Address - Zip Code*


Primary Parent's Email*

Please verify this email is accurate and a valid email, as enrollment verification information will only be sent to this email address. 

Secondary Parent's First Name


Secondary Parent's Middle Initial


Secondary Parent's Last Name


Secondary Parent's Address


Secondary Parent's Address - City


Secondary Parent's Address – State


Secondary Parent's Address - Zip Code


Secondary Parent's Email


Full Year Tuition and Fees*

Qualified expenses include tuition and fees at an accredited private school. Fees may include, but are not limited to: enrollment, registration, or application fees; textbook fees; technology fees; activity fees; testing and assessment fees; and fees paid for school uniforms, if paid directly to the school. Qualified expenses do not include tuition and fees paid with a scholarship or otherwise reduced or discounted by the school.

Scholarships and/or Grants

Only include scholarships and/or grants that have been awarded at the time of EVN generation.

When using the “Enrollment Verification Import Template” all fields must be formatted without data entry errors. If any data entry errors are present in the file, you will be prompted to review and correct the errors in your Enrollment Verification Import Template. You will not be allowed to complete submission of your Enrollment Verification Import Template with data entry errors in the file. Once you have corrected your file, you may upload your updated file.


Common File Errors:

1.      The Primary or Secondary Parent’s email entered is missing the @ symbol.


2.     The Primary Parent’s email field in the uploaded template is blank.

3.     The Primary or Secondary Parent’s email is not formatted correctly or contains an invalid domain name, below are examples of emails that will prompt an error:

  • abc@gmai.lcom
  • def@gmail com
  • firstlast@icloud com
  • fjane.doe@outlook
  • 0 null
  • firstlast

A student can participate in both the Lindsey Nicole Henry (LNH) scholarship and the Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit (PCTC) program. Schools should include LNH scholarship amounts when submitting enrollment verification information under the scholarship and/or grants column if the awarded amount is available at the time of EVN generation. If the amount is not available at the time of EVN generation, your school will have the opportunity to provide this information during the reconciliation process.


The PCTC credit may only be authorized for the tuition and fees charged to the parent or legal guardian not covered by scholarships, including LNH.


It is important to note, if a LNH scholarship covers any portion of the tuition and fees amount reflected on the student’s EVN, that portion of the credit will be subject to recapture.

Scholarships should be included in the enrollment verification information if the amount is available and awarded at the time the enrollment verification number (EVN) is generated. If the scholarship has not yet been awarded or the amount is not available at the time the EVN is generated, your school will have the opportunity to provide this information during the reconciliation process.


It is important to note, if the scholarship covers any portion of the net tuition and fees amount reflected on the student’s EVN, that portion of the credit will be subject to recapture.

After the school submits the enrollment verification information via OkTAP, the primary parent identified by the school will receive an email from the Oklahoma Tax Commission within 24 hours. The email will contain the student(s) enrollment verification information and an enrollment verification number (EVN) which will be used during the application process.


An important reminder regarding the enrollment verification information: It is crucial that schools ensure all information is accurate when uploading the enrollment verification information. Taxpayers will be negatively impacted if enrollment verification information needs to be changed after an application has been submitted. Should a taxpayer request enrollment verification information be changed after the application is submitted, the taxpayer would have to withdraw their application, request a new EVN from the school, and resubmit their application. A taxpayer’s withdrawal of their application will result in the taxpayer losing their place in line, and the date and time of the new application will be the taxpayer’s new place in line.

There is not a deadline for submitting enrollment verification information. However, it is important to remember that taxpayers will be required to provide the enrollment verification number (EVN) on the Parental Choice Tax Credit application. If a taxpayer is waiting on the school to send them an EVN while the application window is open, it will directly impact their place in line based on the time and date the application is officially submitted, as an EVN is required to submit an application.


Should a taxpayer request enrollment verification information be changed after the application is submitted, the taxpayer would have to withdraw their application, request a new EVN from the school, and resubmit their application. A taxpayer’s withdrawal of their application will result in the taxpayer losing their place in line, and the date and time of the new application will be the taxpayer’s new place in line.


The application window opens on February 18, 2025, at 9:00 am CST. Please note that there are limited funds for this program and once the funds have been allotted no additional applications will be approved.

There will be a process to report school changes available via More information will be provided in Spring 2025.