Promoter Application
Provide surety bond to the Commission in the amount of $10,000.00 or $5,000 for Wrestling Promoters.
Comming Soon
- Bare Knuckle Fighting Permit
- Slap Fighting Permit
Promoter Checklist
Looking for a quick reference to navigating being a promoter in combat sports?
- Promoter Checklist - comming soon
Promoter Ticket Assessment
An assessment equal to five percent (5%) of the total gross receipts of any professional and or amateur combative sports event conducted in this state, exclusive of any federal tax or tax imposed by any political subdivision of this state, shall be hereby levied and shall be remitted by every promoter and vendor to the Oklahoma State Athletic Commission.
Payment of the assessment on gross receipts, unless otherwise specified, shall be due within five (5) business days after the holding of the event.
Minimum Assessment for Promoters of professional boxing events, professional mixed martial arts and events, Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($450.00).
Minimum Assessment for Promoters of professional wrestling Eighty Dollars ($80.00).
A promoter shall not issue complimentary tickets for more than ten percent (10%) of the seats for any event.