Meet Leo Brown
Agency Chaplain and Volunteer Administrator, DOC
Leo Brown serves as the Agency Chaplain and Volunteer Administrator for the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. His responsibilities include overseeing the chaplaincy, addressing inmate religious accommodations and their spiritual needs, managing the agency’s volunteer services, and being a liaison with the agency’s faith-based community partners.
Chaplain Brown entered correctional chaplaincy with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections in 1996. He served as the chaplain at Eddie Warrior Correctional Center, a women’s minimum-security prison and later at Jess Dunn Correctional Center, a men’s minimum-security prison. In 2005 the Department of Corrections created a position to coordinate, support, and oversee the work of chaplains and volunteers throughout the agency. Chaplain Brown was selected for that position and has served in this capacity since then.
Today Oklahoma DOC chaplains and volunteers provide opportunities for those incarcerated to find faith, hope, and healing. Thousands of Oklahoma Department of Corrections volunteers and faith community partners make rehabilitation possible through religious services, faith-based programs, and non-faith-based programs. Some of the accomplishments achieved in the Chaplaincy and Volunteer Services over the past 19 years include the development of the agency’s first faith-based housing unit programs; a dramatic increase in the number of African-American churches involved in prison ministry; significant growth in the number and quality of faith-based programs; revisions to policy which allows successful ex-offenders to become DOC volunteers 18 months after release; and the creative use of technology to expand our impact through programs like The Messages Project, the Global Leadership Summit, church satellite campuses in prisons, and video streaming capabilities.
Chaplain Brown, and his wife Cindy, have been married for over 46 years and have been blessed with two grown children who are both married and 8 amazing grandchildren.