Serving as a connection point for faith-based and community organizations wishing to partner with state government agencies across Oklahoma.

Here in Oklahoma, we know that not every problem can be solved by the government. Some problems can only be solved by neighbors walking with neighbors and helping meet the needs of their community.
Our purpose is to recognize and connect.
We recognize Oklahoma’s faith-based and community organizations are doing amazing work. We strive to come alongside you to support and complement these incredible contributions.
We connect government resources and programs with faith-based and community entities. We’re a one-stop-shop. Whether it’s through Be a Neighbor (an online portal connecting those who need help with those who can provide help), trainings and collaborative efforts, or state-wide programs, we believe we can accomplish more together.
Through our collective efforts, we can improve the wellbeing of Oklahomans. We invite you to learn more about our purpose and discover how we can strengthen Oklahoma together.
Be A Neighbor (BAN)
BAN was created as a way for community partners, organizations, tribes, etc. across the state to offer up support in their communities to Oklahomans in need. This resource allows the state to better serve all Oklahomans where they live, work and worship. Through this partnership, Oklahoma Human Services has been able to identify more community needs, key partnerships and promote hope to improve the wellbeing of Oklahomans.
Everyone has a part to play; what’s yours?
Foster families play a vital role in the child welfare system, offering a safe place for children while their families work to improve safety concerns. Oklahoma Human Services continues to need more foster families in every community to serve children in state custody, particularly families who are willing to serve children with significant behavioral health needs. For more information about becoming or helping support a foster parent, visit OKFosters.org or call Oklahoma Human Services at 1-800-376-9729.