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Governor Stitt established the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (OFBCI) in 2024. The office was created to connect and recognize the efforts and resources of faith-based and community partners throughout Oklahoma.

Faith-based and community organizations throughout Oklahoma can use this office as a one-stop-shop for meeting local needs and connecting with five state agencies to better navigate state programs. OFBCI will highlight these partnerships and the amazing work they do every day in their local community. Our goal is to connect faith-based organizations with resources across the state and to recognize that we are stronger when we work together. 

Be A Neighbor (BAN) is an initiative Governor Stitt established in February 2020. It is the place where partner resource information comes together. BAN helps to promote resources from faith-based, non-profit, and community organizations to Oklahomans across the state.

“Neighbor” organizations are encouraged to register for free with BAN to share resources and opportunities available within their local communities. Community members can then search the site for nearby resources or services. Be A Neighbor is dedicated to the mission of neighbors helping neighbors.

Meet the OFBCI Team!

Oklahoma's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiative leadership is comprised of individuals from various organizations, agencies and backgrounds, including community organizers, faith leaders, educators, and activists. We unite in serving and uplifting communities across Oklahoma. Stronger together!

Our purpose is to recognize and connect.

Director, Office of Faith Based & Community Initiatives

Brian Bobek

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Liason, Office of Faith Based & Community Initiatives

Andrea Stasyszen

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Deputy Director of Community Engagement, Oklahoma Human Services

Sonia Johnson

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Agency Chaplain and Volunteer Administrator , oklahoma Department of Corrections

Leo Brown

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Deputy Chief of Staff for Community Engagement & Strategic Initiatives, Governor's Office

Christianne Glover

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Senior Prevention Programs Manager, Ok Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services

Emily Morrow

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Executive Director, Catholic Conference of Oklahoma

Brett Farley

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Chief of Operational Excellence, Office of Juvenile Affairs

Constanzia Nizza

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Community Engagement and Health Planning Coordinator, Oklahoma State Department of Health

D'Elbie Walker

Potrate of a business woman
Last Modified on Jan 31, 2025
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