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Interested in taking the GED? Click here to find a site.

As a student, you have many questions about what your next steps in education will be. Whether you are in middle, high school, or pursuing post-secondary education, the educators site provides lots of resources for you about coursework, financial aid, and much more.

Explore list of Oklahoma state and private universities and colleges here: Higher Ed | Oklahoma State Department of Education.

Want something online because you have a busy schedule? Check out this online site


Bullying Prevention | Oklahoma State Department of Education  Find information and resources about bullying and ways to report bullying at school.

Crisis Hotlines For Youth | Stop It Now  If you are a child or teenager in crisis and need help immediately, please consult one of the following toll-free national hotlines or contact your local police or emergency services. All hotlines are free.

For Youth | Nami1 ( National Alliance for Mental Health, Oklahoma. You are not alone. Find helpful information, resources, and helplines for youth.

NRCYS: PKSA Helpline (OU.Edu) - Oklahoma Successful Adulthood Program OKSA HELPLINE The OH (formerly Yes I Can!) is a statewide resource and referral program for youth currently in foster care, youth who lived in foster care after age 16, and supportive adults. OH services are yout-driven and individualized.

Own Your Power | Oklahoma Meantal Health & Substance Abuse ( - Own Your Power aims to empower teens to find, own and share their power to live a life without vaping and weed by giving them the tools they need to manage their mental health. 

Teen Driving ( - The graduated Driver License (GDL) program gradually phases in driving priviledges for teen drivers as they gain experience behind the wheel. Learn about the four levels of driving privileges.

Last Modified on Aug 30, 2023
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