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Our Purpose:

  • To integrate environmental considerations and regulatory requirements into ODOT’s transportation programs and operations;
  • To provide a broad range of technical expertise in the natural and human environment;
  • To provide environmental (NEPA) documents and permits for ODOT projects and activities; and
  • To liaise with regulatory agencies to streamline the environmental review and permit processes.

The service areas document, identify and assess potential impacts of ODOT projects and operations on the respective resource area, and provide expertise and training to ODOT:

NEPA Project Development and Permitting: NEPA process for federally funded Projects and 404 permits for highway projects.

Community and Cultural Resources: Identify resources such as historic properties and archeological sites, and consult with Tribal Governments for traditional cultural properties and others, as required by federal laws like Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and executive orders, as well as community level impacts like Traffic Noise and Environmental Justice.

Natural Resources: waters/wetlands assessments, and other biological assessments to ensure compliance with federal laws such as the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act, and executive orders.

Environmental Operations: Identifies, assesses, manages and mitigates environmental risk to ODOT on projects and operations from early project development through construction and into maintenance. This includes Hazardous Waste/Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Assessments, remedial planning, and planned and emergency remedial actions; asbestos management in right-of-way clearance; facilities compliance, including Underground Storage Tank (UST) compliance; the Radiological Safety Program; and ODOT’s Stormwater Management Program.

What's New?

Environmental Regulations Training Presentations

Last Modified on Aug 12, 2024