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Virtual open house now online for SH-51/E. 91st St. intersection in Wagoner County

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is hosting a virtual open house to provide proposed modifications to the SH-51 intersection at E. 91st St. in Wagoner County.

The purpose of the project is to realign the E. 91st St. (E. Washington St.) intersection on SH-51. The east and west intersections of E. 91st St. at SH-51 are approximately 100 feet apart, creating two different junction points with the highway.

This virtual open house presents a proposed redesign, which will align the two intersections into a single intersection with a traffic signal and dedicated left turn lanes on SH-51.

Due to COVID-19 precautions, this presentation is a web-based public viewing format with no in-person meetings scheduled.

The virtual open house will allow the public to view an interactive map, traffic simulation videos and have the opportunity to make comments.

The project is expected to go to bid in 2024.


SH-51/E. 91st St. virtual open house 

Available through Aug. 31, 2021


Members of the public can visit to view a presentation and other materials about the proposal and submit their comments through Aug. 31. Those without internet access can contact the ODOT Environmental Programs Division at 200 N.E. 21st St., Ste. 3-D2a, Oklahoma City, OK 73105 or call 405-325-3269.

Last Modified on Aug 18, 2021
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