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Pavement Performance Measures

The Performance Measures for Pavement are:

  • Percentage of Interstate pavement in Good condition
  • Percentage of Interstate pavement in Poor condition
  • Percentage of non-Interstate pavement in Good condition
  • Percentage of non-Interstate pavement in Poor condition
ODOT must establish targets, regardless of ownership, for the full extent of the Interstate and non-Interstate NHS. ODOT has an established Pavement Management System with a key function of forecasting pavement performance using Pavement Quality Index, anticipated funding levels and detailed analytical models based on years of historical pavement condition and performance data.

Targets were etablished by looking at historical trends and data ODOT collected in 2016 and submitted to FHWA to forecast for a 10 year timeframe. "Good" conditions are expeted to stay stable for the Interstate, while "Poor" conditions are expected to worsen.

In 2020, pavement conditions are expected to be 55% "Good" on the Interstate, and 50% "Good" on Non-Interstate NHS. Projections also show 4% "Poor" Conditions for the Interstate and 6% "Poor" for non-Interstate NHS for 2020.

In 2022, pavement conditions are projected to be 56% "Good" on the Interstate and 50% "Good" on non-Interstate NHS. Projections also show 4% "Poor" conditions for the Interstate and 6% "Poor" for non-Interstate NHS.
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