Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
(JAN) is a international consulting service that provides information about job accommodations and the employment of people with disabilities. For additional information contact (JAN) at 1-800-526-7234 and speak to a consultant about your need for accommodations or if you need an accommodation but you don't know where to begin. For information regarding the ADA, Americans with Disabilities information Act contact 1-800-ADA-WORK. Voice and/TDD accessible as well as computer board accessibility at 1-800-DIAL-JAN.
A service of the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is an international consulting service that provides information about job accommodations and the employability of people with disabilities.
Call JAN's Toll Free number Voice/TDD 1-800-526-7234 and talk to a consultant about your need to provide an accommodation or if you need an accommodation, but you don't know where to find what you need. Let JAN help you and your employer.
ADA Information 1-800-ADA-WORK Voice/TDD
Computer Bulletin Board 1-800-DIAL-JAN