OBESPA Personally Identifiable Information
What does the Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (OBESPA) Do with your personal information?
- What?
The Board collects the following personally identifiable information from its applicants and licensees: name, address, date of birth, Social Security number, educational information and employment information.
- How?
The information is stored in paper files locked in filing cabinets. It is also stored on the Boards secure computer database.
- Why?
State law requires us to tell you how we collect, share and protect your personal information.
Reasons we share your information
- For our everyday business purposes: Process application, process renewals, and mail outs
- License verifications for insurance companies
- Copy of Database for mailing lists.
Personal information we do NOT share
- Social Security number
- Date of Birth
- Cell Phone Number
With whom is the information shared?
The Board is a public body subject to the Oklahoma Open Records Act, 51 O.S. §§ 24 A.1-24 A.30. Under the Act, most agency records containing personally identifiable information are open to the public upon request. The Act does not apply to records specifically required by law to be kept confidential. The Act provides that the Board may keep social security numbers confidential, and the numbers are redacted prior to disclosure of the record. Questions? Call OBESPA at 405-5