Getting Started
Begin by selecting on the OBESPA Online Licensing button below and follow the instructions to set up a login account:
- Once redirected to the application site, on the left hand side of the page under "New User" you will enter your email address to register for an account.
- Enter your First Name, Last Name, Last Five of your Social Security Number, and current Email Address.
(If you have held a license with OBESPA before, you will click yes and enter your old license number) - You will create a Username, Password and Pick 2 Security Questions. Once you have created an account, you will get an email that will give you a link to follow to activate your account.
Once your account is activated, you are ready to get started!
Applications Process
- You will click on Register for a new license and pick the application type you are applying for
- The Application will consist of boxes that will need to be completed and upload the required documents. Once the application is complete, a Submit button will appear in the first box to click so that you can review your application and pay the application fee.
- Once your application is submitted, it will start the review process. If there are any missing documents or items that need to be corrected, then you will be notified by email on how to correct these item.
Below are a few helpful hints to help you on your application:
- The picture for your application can be taken of you against a plain white wall OR a purchased passport photo
- No pictures of actual passports or driver’s license will be accepted
- We have a required reference form that is located on our website
- It can be emailed, mailed or uploaded to your application online
- It is required to be completed by an SLP or AUD (depending upon the license you are applying for) that is either licensed in any state OR has current ASHA ccc's
- The background check results with Trak-1 will be sent directly to OBESPA staff
- The required citizenship form can be emailed or mailed to OBESPA staff
If you have any questions regarding the application process please email OBESPA at:
If you have issues with setting up your account or logging into your account please email
Last Modified on
Sep 04, 2024