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Canine Handling Schools

The Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training licenses teams (a dog and a handler) to operate as as drug detection dogs and bomb detection dogs. Any dog of a certified canine team who has been previously certified as either a drug dog or a bomb dog is not eligible at any time to be certified in the other category.

CLEET's authority to license canines and their handlers has been given in Title 70 O.S. 3311:

B. The Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training is hereby authorized and directed to:

9. a. Certify canine teams, consisting of a dog and a handler working together as a team, trained to detect:

1. controlled dangerous substances, or
2. explosives, explosive materials, explosive devices, or materials which could be used to construct an explosive device;

provided, the dog of a certified canine team shall not be certified at any time as both a drug dog and a bomb dog, and any dog of a certified canine team who has been previously certified as either a drug dog or a bomb dog shall not be eligible at any time to be certified in the other category.

b. Upon retiring the dog from the service it was certified to perform, the law enforcement department that handled the dog shall retain possession of the dog. The handler shall have first option of adopting the dog. If that option is not exercised, the law enforcement department shall provide for its adoption. Once adopted the dog shall not be placed back into active service;

State Drug Dog Evaluators

Undersheriff Ryan Fuxa
Garfield County Sheriff's Office
Cell: (580) 554-1721

Trooper Ryan Fike
OHP Special Operations
2225 W Gary Blvd.
Clinton, OK 73601
Cell: (580) 273-4045

Officer Eric Johnson
Tulsa Police Department
Cell: (918) 284-5854

Dan Evans
Oklahoma City Police Department
1400 S Portland
Oklahoma City, OK 73108
Cell: (405) 21-8908

Deputy Chief Troy Newell
Bartlesville Police Department
Cell: (918) 214-4433

Assistant Chief Patrick Hawley
Alva Police Department
Office: (580) 327-1341
Cell: (580) 748 1860

Agent Travis Saulsberry
DA District 27
120 E Chickasaw Suite 204
Sallisaw, OK 74955
Cell: (918) 772-7656

Cody Smith
Enid Police Department
301 W Owen K Garriott Rd
Enid, OK 73701
Office: (580) 478-8423
Cell: (580) 747-2726

Cpl. Jared Johnson
Ardmore Police Department
23 S Washington St. SW
Ardmore, OK 73401
Cell: (580) 222-4484

Bobby Kehn
Mooreland Police Department
212 S. Main
Mooreland, OK 73852
Office: (580) 994-5316
Cell: (580) 4783397

Last Modified on Jan 29, 2025
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